

The boys at the Brooklyn public school which he attended did not know what the "T." stood for.He would never tell them.All he said in reply to questions was: "It don't stand for nothin'.You've gotter have a' 'nitial, ain't you?" His name was, in fact, an almost inevitable school-boy modification of one felt to be absurd and pretentious.His Christian name was Temple, which became "Temp." His surname was Barom, so he was at once "Temp Barom." In the natural tendency to avoid waste of time it was pronounced as one word, and the letter p being superfluous and cumbersome, it easily settled itself into "Tembarom," and there remained.By much less inevitable processes have surnames evolved themselves as centuries rolled by.

Tembarom liked it, and soon almost forgot he had ever been called anything else.

His education really began when he was ten years old.At that time his mother died of pneumonia, contracted by going out to sew, at seventy-five cents a day, in shoes almost entirely without soles, when the remains of a blizzard were melting in the streets.As, after her funeral, there remained only twenty-five cents in the shabby bureau which was one of the few articles furnishing the room in the tenement in which they lived together, Tembarom sleeping on a cot, the world spread itself before him as a place to explore in search of at least one meal a day.There was nothing to do but to explore it to the best of his ten-year-old ability.

His father had died two years before his mother, and Tembarom had vaguely felt it a relief.He had been a resentful, domestically tyrannical immigrant Englishman, who held in contempt every American trait and institution.He had come over to better himself, detesting England and the English because there was "no chance for a man there,"and, transferring his dislikes and resentments from one country to another, had met with no better luck than he had left behind him.

This he felt to be the fault of America, and his family, which was represented solely by Tembarom and his mother, heard a good deal about it, and also, rather contradictorily, a good deal about the advantages and superiority of England, to which in the course of six months he became gloomily loyal.It was necessary, in fact, for him to have something with which to compare the United States unfavorably.

The effect he produced on Tembarom was that of causing him, when he entered the public school round the corner, to conceal with determination verging on duplicity the humiliating fact that if he had not been born in Brooklyn he might have been born in England.

England was not popular among the boys in the school.History had represented the country to them in all its tyrannical rapacity and bloodthirsty oppression of the humble free-born.The manly and admirable attitude was to say, "Give me liberty or give me death"--and there was the Fourth of July.

Though Tembarom and his mother had been poor enough while his father lived, when he died the returns from his irregular odd jobs no longer came in to supplement his wife's sewing, and add an occasional day or two of fuller meals, in consequence of which they were oftener than ever hungry and cold, and in desperate trouble about the rent of their room.Tembarom, who was a wiry, enterprising little fellow, sometimes found an odd job himself.He carried notes and parcels when any one would trust him with them, he split old boxes into kindling-wood, more than once he "minded" a baby when its mother left its perambulator outside a store.But at eight or nine years of age one's pay is in proportion to one's size.Tembarom, however, had neither his father's bitter eye nor his mother's discouraged one.Something different from either had been reincarnated in him from some more cheerful past.He had an alluring grin instead--a grin which curled up his mouth and showed his sound, healthy, young teeth,--a lot of them,--and people liked to see them.

At the beginning of the world it is only recently reasonable to suppose human beings were made with healthy bodies and healthy minds.

That of course was the original scheme of the race.It would not have been worth while to create a lot of things aimlessly ill made.Ajourneyman carpenter would not waste his time in doing it, if he knew any better.Given the power to make a man, even an amateur would make him as straight as he could, inside and out.Decent vanity would compel him to do it.He would be ashamed to show the thing and admit he had done it, much less people a world with millions of like proofs of incompetence.Logically considered, the race was built straight and clean and healthy and happy.How, since then, it has developed in multitudinous less sane directions, and lost its normal straightness and proportions, I am, singularly enough, not entirely competent to explain with any degree of satisfactory detail.But it cannot be truthfully denied that this has rather generally happened.There are human beings who are not beautiful, there are those who are not healthy, there are those who hate people and things with much waste of physical and mental energy, there are people who are not unwilling to do others an ill turn by word or deed, and there are those who do not believe that the original scheme of the race was ever a decent one.

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