

Mrs. Primer resumed: "--to the young married women meeting last winter just after a lot of pretty girls had came out, and magnanimously resolving to give the Buds a chance in society?""The Buds?"

"Yes, the Rose-buds--the debutantes; it's an odious little word, but everybody uses it. Don't you think that's a strange state of things for America? But I can't believe all those things," said Mrs. Pasmer, flinging off the shadow of this lurid social condition. "Isn't this a pretty scene?""Yes, it is," Mr. Mavering admitted, withdrawing his mind gradually from a consideration of Mrs. Pasmer's awful instances. "Yes!" he added, in final self-possession. "The young fellows certainly do things in a great deal better style nowadays than we used to.""Oh yes, indeed! And all those pretty girls do seem to be having such a good time!""Yes; they don't have the despised and rejected appearance that you'd like to have one believe.""Not in the least!" Mrs. Pasmer readily consented. "They look radiantly happy. It shows that you can't trust anything that people say to you."She abandoned the ground she had just been taking without apparent shame for her inconsistency. "I fancy it's pretty much as it's always been: if a girl is attractive, the young men find it out.""Perhaps," said Mr: Mavering, unbending with dignity, "the young married women have held another meeting, and resolved to give the Buds one more chance.""Oh, there are some pretty mature Roses here," said Mrs. Pasmer, laughing evasively. "But I suppose Class Day can never be taken from the young girls.""I hope not," said Mr. Mavering. His wandering eye fell upon some young men bringing refreshments across the nave toward them, and he was reminded to ask Mrs. Pasmer, "Will you have something to eat?" He had himself had a good deal to eat, before he took up his position at the advantageous point where John Munt had found him.

"Why, yes, thank you," said Mrs. Pasmer. "I ought to say, 'An ice, please,' but I'm really hungry, and--""I'll get you some of the salad," said Mr. Mavering, with the increased liking a man feels for a woman when she owns to an appetite. "Sit down here," he added, and he caught a vacant chair toward her. When he turned about from doing so, he confronted a young gentleman coming up to Mrs.

Pasmer with a young lady on his arm, and making a very low bow of relinquishment.


The men looked smilingly at each other without saying anything; and the younger took in due form the introduction which the young lady gave him.

"My mother, Mr. Mavering."

"Mr. Mavering!" cried Mrs. Pasmer, in a pure astonishment, before she had time to colour it with a polite variety of more conventional emotions.

She glanced at the two men, and gave a little "Oh?" of inquiry and resignation, and then said, demurely, "Let me introduce you to Mr.

Mavering, Alice," while the young fellow laughed nervously, and pulled out his handkerchief, partly to hide the play of his laughter, and partly to wipe away the perspiration which a great deal more laughing had already gathered on his forehead. He had a vein that showed prominently down its centre, and large, mobile, girlish blue eyes under good brows, an arched nose, and rather a long face and narrow chin. He had beautiful white teeth; as he laughed these were seen set in a jaw that contracted very much toward the front. He was tall and slim, and he wore with elegance the evening dress which Class Day custom prescribes for the Seniors; in his button-hole he had a club button.

"I shall not have to ask an introduction to Mr. Mavering; and you've robbed me of the pleasure of giving him one to you, Mrs. Pasmer," he said.

She heard the young man in the course of a swift review of what she had said to his father, and with a formless resentment of the father's not having told her he had a son there; but she answered with the flattering sympathy she had the use of, "Oh, but you won't miss one pleasure out of so many to-day, Mr. Mavering; and think of the little dramatic surprise!""Oh, perfect," he said, with another laugh. "I told Miss Pasmer as we came up.""Oh, then you were in the surprise, Alice!" said Mrs. Pasmer, searching her daughter's eyes for confession or denial of this little community of interest. The girl smiled slightly upon the young man, but not disapprovingly, and made no other answer to her mother, who went on:

  • 醉花窗医案


  • 将赴朔方军应制


  • 道德经-龙兴观碑本


  • 东西晋演义


  • 金刚经鸠异


  • 冥婚鬼话


  • 冰霜:嗜血女王完美大复仇


  • 做人做事取舍之道


  • 异世打工记


  • 前世穿越篇:穿越之前世太子妃(完结)


    相亲?26岁的司徒薇儿已快步入剩女的队伍,虽不甘愿被父母催婚,但还是该表面敷衍下……她只不过是为了相亲而在服装店里选衣服而已,怎么想到会碰到一个脑袋不太正常的店主;那个店主说什么?她的老公不在21世纪?!惊魂未定,她已经身处异国,成了司徒王府的千金郡主红蝶…… 还即将成为当朝太子妃? 天哪,这些穿着古装的人真的确定不是在上演新版的《穿越时空的爱恋》?天元俊羽,贵为天元王朝太子;他向来对他那位内定的未来太子妃司徒红蝶无感,只会花言巧语装乖巧,有什么资格成为太子妃?为了得到他,居然还玩起了离家出走的把戏结果重伤昏迷不醒。等等,怎么醒来后的她不但嘴里说出一大堆他们没听过的东西,还大喊她不是司徒红蝶?!不要嫁给他。还和他谈论什么叫一夫一妻制,不会真撞坏脑袋了吧?他贵为太子,未来的储君,“一后三夫人”都只是一部分而已……怎能容得她讨价还价?不过面对着这样的她,他居然第一次对他的太子妃产生了兴趣……
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  • 难入梦


  • 亲爱的我怀孕了


  • 七日甜宠娇妻


  • 好好过吧

