

Setting forth,therefore,early in April,on the fifteenth day of the month she came to Melun,a town some seven leagues south of Paris,that had lately yielded to the King.Bidding me walk with her,she went afoot about the walls,considering what they lacked of strength,and how they might best be repaired,and bidding me write down all in a little book.Now we two,and no other,were walking by the dry fosse of Melun,the day being very fair and warm for that season,the flowers blossoming,and the birds singing so sweet and loud as never I heard them before or since that day.

The Maid stood still to listen,holding up her hand to me for silence,when,lo!in one moment,in the midst of merry music,the birds hushed suddenly.

As I marvelled,for there was not a cloud in the sky,nor a breath of cold wind,I beheld the Maid standing as I had seen her stand in the farmyard of the mill by St.Denis.Her head was bare,and her face was white as snow.So she stood while one might count a hundred,and if ever any could say that he had seen the Maid under fear,it was now.As I watched and wondered,she fell on her knees,like one in prayer,and with her eyes set and straining,and with clasped hands,she said these words--"Tell me of that day,and that hour,or grant me,of your grace,that in the same hour I may die."Then she was silent for short space,and then,having drawn herself upon her knees for three paces or four,she very reverently bowed down,and kissed the ground.

Thereafter she arose,and beholding me wan,I doubt not,she gently laid her hand upon my shoulder,and,smiling most sweetly,she said -"I know not what thou hast seen or heard,but promise,on thine honour,that thou wilt speak no word to any man,save in confession only,while I bear arms for France."Then humbly,and with tears,I vowed as she had bidden me,whereto she only said -"Come,we loiter,and I have much to do,for the day is short."But whether the birds sang again,or stinted,I know not,for Imarked it not.

But she set herself,as before,to consider the walls and the fosses,bidding me write down in my little book what things were needful.Nor was her countenance altered in any fashion,nor was her wit less clear;but when we had seen all that was to be looked to,she bade me call the chief men of the town to her house,after vespers,and herself went into the Church of St.Michael to pray.

Though I pondered much on this strange matter,which I laid up in my heart,I never knew what,belike,the import was,till nigh a year thereafter,at Rouen.

But there one told me how the Maid,before her judges,had said that,at Melun,by the fosse,her Saints had told her how she should be made prisoner before the feast of St.John.And she had prayed them to warn her of that hour,or in that hour might she die,but they bade her endure all things patiently,and with a willing mind.

At that coming,then,of the Saints,I was present,though,being a sinful man,I knew not that the Holy Ones were there.But the birds knew,and stinted in their singing.

Now that the Maid,knowing by inspiration her hour to be even at the doors,and wotting well what the end of her captivity was like to be,yet had the heart to put herself in jeopardy day by day,this Ideem the most valiant deed ever done by man or woman since the making of the world.For scarce even Wallace wight would have stood to his standard had he known,by teaching of them who cannot lie,what end awaited him beyond all hope.Nay,he would have betaken him to France,as once he did in time of less danger.

Now,I pray you,consider who she was that showed this courage and high heart.She was but the daughter of a manant,a girl of eighteen years of age.Remember,then,what manner of creature such a girl is of her nature;how weak and fearful;how she is discomfited and abashed by the company of even one gentleman or lady of noble birth;how ignorant she is of war;how fond to sport and play with wenches of her own degree;how easily set on fire of love;and how eager to be in the society of young men amorous.Pondering all these things in your hearts,judge ye whether this Maid,the bravest leader in breach,the wisest captain,having foreknowledge of things hidden and of things to come,the most courteous lady who ever with knights sat in hall,not knowing carnal love,nor bodily fear,was aught but a thing miraculous,and a sister of the Saints.

  • 俱舍论疏


  • 佛阿毗昙经


  • 佛说四愿经


  • 昆腔原始


  • 佛说大威灯光仙人问疑经


  • 阴世阳差


  • 狂倾天下


  • 孕产妇安全营养全书


  • 酱油党的修仙人生


  • 浊生梦


  • 龙形剑侠仙魔传


  • 来了外星人


  • 原来我们都是彼此的噩梦


  • 我的心你的血


  • 英雄联盟之菜鸟之路

