

We rode northwards,first through lands that I had travelled in before to Orleans,and so into a country then strange to me,passing by way of Lagny,with intent to go to Senlis,where we deemed the King lay.The whole region being near Paris,and close under the English power,was rich and peaceful of aspect,the corn being already reaped,and standing in sheaves about the fields,whether to feed Englishmen or Frenchmen,none could tell.For the land was in a kind of hush,in expectancy and fear,no man knowing how things should fall out at Paris.Natheless the Prior of Lagny,within that very week wherein we came,had gone to St.Denis,and yielded his good town into the hands of the Duc d'Alencon for the King.And the fair Duke had sent thither Messire Ambrose de Lore,a very good knight,with Messire Jehan Foucault,and many men-at-arms.

To Messire Ambrose we were brought,that we might give and take his news.I remember well that I dropped out of the saddle at the door of his lodgings,and could scarce stand on my legs,so weary was Iwith the long and swift riding.Never had I ridden so far,and so fast,fresh horses standing saddled and bridled for Thomas Scott and me at every stage,but the beast which I had hired I sent back from the first stage to mine host of the "Hanging Sword."Not without labour I climbed the stairs to the chamber of Messire Ambrose,who bade us sit down,and called for wine to be given us,whereof Thomas Scott drank well,but I dared take none,lest my legs should wholly refuse their office.

When Thomas had told how all the country lay at the King's peace,and how our purpose was to ride to the King at Senlis,the knight bade us rather make what haste we might to St.Denis."For there,by to-morrow or next day,the King is like to be,and the assault will be delivered on Paris,come of it what will."With this he bade us good speed,but,to guess from his countenance,was in no high hopes.And,at supper,whereto we had the company of certain of his men-at-arms,I could well perceive that they were not in the best heart.For now we heard how the Maid,being sorrowful for the long delays,had bidden the Duc d'Alencon ride forth with her from Compiegne "to see Paris closer than yet she had seen it."The Duc d'Alencon,who in late days has so strangely forgotten the loyalty of his youth,was then fain to march with her,for they two were the closest friends that might be.Therefore they had passed by way of Senlis,where they were joined by some force of men-at-arms,and so,on the third day's march,they came to St.Denis,where they were now lying.Here it is that the kings of France have been buried for these eight hundred years,in the great Abbey.

"Nom Dieu!"said one of those who spoke with us."You might deem that our King is nowise pressed to see the place where his forefathers lie.For D'Alencon is riding,now and again,to Senlis,to rouse the King,and make him march to St.Denis,with the army,that the assault may be given.But if they were bidding him to his own funeral,instead of to a gentle passage of arms,he could not make more excuses.There are skirmishes under Paris walls,and at the gates,day by day,and the Maid rides here and there,considering of the best place for the onslaught.But the King tarries,and without him and the army they can venture on no great valiance.Nevertheless,come he must,if they bring him bound in a cart.Wherefore,if you want your part in what is toward,you do well to make no long tarrying here."I was of the same mind,and as the King was shortly to be looked for at St.Denis,we rode thither early next morning,with what speed we might.On our left,like a cloud,was the smoke of Paris,making me understand what a great city it was,much greater than Orleans.

Before us,far away,were the tall towers of the chapel of St.

Denis,to be our guide!We heard,also,the noise of ordnance being fired,and therefore made the greater haste,and we so rode that,about six hours after noon,on the Eve of the Nativity of our Blessed Lady,we reached the gates of the town.Here we found great press of folk,men coming and going,some carrying the wounded,for there had been a skirmish that day,at one of the Paris gates,whence came the sound of cannon and culverins,and we had won little advantage.

At the gates of St.Denis we asked where the quarters of the Scots men-at-arms might be,and were told in the chapel,whither we needed no guide.But,as we went up the street,we saw women leaning forth from the windows,laughing with the men-at-arms,and beckoning to them,and by the tavern doors many were sitting drinking,with girls beside them,and others were playing dice,and many an oath we heard,and foul words,as is customary in a camp.Verily I saw well that this was not the army of men clean confessed and of holy life who had followed the Maid from Blois to Orleans.In place of priests,here were harlots,and,for hymns,ribald songs,for men had flocked in from every quarter;soldiers of the robber companies,Bretons,Germans,Italians,Spaniards,all talking in their own speech,rude,foul,and disorderly.So we took our way,as best we knight,through the press,hearing oaths enough if our horses trod over near any man,and seeing daggers drawn.

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