

CANTO I. Dante, astray in a wood, reaches the foot of a hill which he begins to ascend; he is hindered by three beasts; he turns back and is met by Virgil, who proposes to guide him into the eternal world.

CANTO II. Dante, doubtful of his own powers, is discouraged at the outset.--Virgil cheers him by telling him that he has been sent to his aid by a blessed Spirit from Heaven.--Dante casts off fear, and the poets proceed.

CANTO III. The gate of Hell. Virgil leads Dante in.--The punishment of the neither good nor bad.--Acheron, and the sinners on its bank.-- Charon.--Earthquake.--Dante swoons.

CANTO IV. The further side of Acheron.--Virgil leads Dante into Limbo, the First Circle of Hell, containing the spirits of those who lived virtuously but without Christianity.--Greeting of Virgil by his fellow poets.--They enter a castle, where are the shades of ancient worthies.-- Virgil and Dante depart.

CANTO V. The Second Circle: Carnal sinners.--Minos.--Shades renowned of old.--Francesca da Rimini.

CANTO VI. The Third Circle: the Gluttonous.--Cerberus.--Ciacco. CANTO VII. The Fourth Circle: the Avaricious and the Prodigal.--Pluto.--Fortune.--The Styx.--The Fifth Circle: the Wrathful and the Sullen.

CANTO VIII. The Fifth Circle.--Phlegyas and his boat.--Passage of the Styx.--Filippo Argenti.--The City of Dis.--The demons refuse entrance to the poets.

CANTO IX. The City of Dis.--Eriehtho.--The Three Furies.--The Heavenly Messenger.--The Sixth Circle: Heresiarchs.

CANTO X. The Sixth Circle: Heresiarchs.--Farinata degli Uberti.-- Cavalcante Cavalcanti.--Frederick II.

CANTO XI. The Sixth Circle: Heretics.--Tomb of Pope Anastasius.-- Discourse of Virgil on the divisions of the lower Hell.

CANTO XII. First round of the Seventh Circle: those who do violence to others.--Tyrants and Homicides.--The Minotaur.--The Centaurs.-- Chiron.--Nessus.--The River of Boiling Blood, and the Sinners in it.

CANTO XIII. Second round of the Seventh Circle: those who havedone violence to themselves and to their goods.--The Wood of Self- murderers.--The Harpies.--Pier della Vigne.--Lano of Siena and others.

CANTO XIV. Third round of the Seventh Circle those who have done violence to God.--The Burning Sand.--Capaneus.--Figure of the Old Man in Crete.--The Rivers of Hell.

CANTO XV. Third round of the Seventh Circle: those who have done violence to Nature.--Brunetto Latini.--Prophecies of misfortune to Dante.

CANTO XVI. Third round of the Seventh Circle: those who have done violence to Nature.--Guido Guerra, Tegghiaio Aldobrandi and Jacopo Rusticucci.--The roar of Phlegethon as it pours downward.- -The cord thrown into the abyss.

CANTO XVII. Third round of the Seventh Circle: those who have done violence to Art.--Geryon.--The Usurers.--Descent to the Eighth Circle.

CANTO XVIII. Eighth Circle: the first pit: Panders and Seducers.- - Venedico Caccianimico.--Jason.--Second pit: false flatterers.-- Alessio Interminei.--Thais.

CANTO XIX. Eighth Circle: third pit: Simonists.--Pope Nicholas III CANTO XX. Eighth Circle: fourth pit: Diviners, Soothsayers, andMagicians.--Amphiaraus.--Tiresias.--Aruns.--Manto.--Eurypylus.-- Michael Scott.--Asolente.

CANTO XXI. Eighth Circle: fifth pit: Barrators.--A magistrate of Lucca.--The Malebranche.--Parley with them.

CANTO XXII. Eighth Circle: fifth pit: Barrators.--Ciampolo of Navarre.--Brother Gomita.--Michael Zanche.--Fray of the Malebranche.

CANTO XXIII. Eighth Circle. Escape from the fifth pit.--The sixth pit: Hypocrites.--The Jovial Friars.--Caiaphas.--Annas.--Frate Catalano.

CANTO XXIV. Eighth Circle. The poets climb from the sixth pit.-- Seventh pit: Fraudulent Thieves.--Vanni Fucci.--Prophecy of calamity to Dante.

CANTO XXV. Eighth Circle: seventh pit: Fraudulent Thieves.-- Cacus.--Agnello Brunellesehi and others.

CANTO XXVI. Eighth Circle: eighth pit: Fraudulent Counsellors.-- Ulysses and Diomed.

CANTO XXVII. Eighth Circle: eighth pit: Fraudulent Counsellors.-- Guido da Montefeltro.

CANTO XXVIII. Eighth Circle: ninth pit: Sowers of discord and schism.--Mahomet and Ali.--Fra Dolcino.--Pier da Medicina.-- Curio.-- Mosca.--Bertran de Born.

CANTO XXIX. Eighth Circle: ninth pit.--Geri del Bello.--Tenth pit: Falsifiers of all sorts.--Griffolino of Mezzo.--Capocchio.

CANTO XXX. Eighth Circle: tenth pit: Falsifiers of all sorts.-- Myrrha.--Gianni Schiechi.--Master Adam.--Sinon of Troy.

CANTO XXXI. The Giants around the Eighth Circle.--Nimrod.-- Ephialtes.--Antiens sets the Poets down in the Ninth Circle.

CANTO XXXII. Ninth Circle: Traitors. First ring: Caina.--Counts of Mangona.--Camicion de' Pazzi.--Second ring: Antenora.--Bocca degli Abati.--Buoso da Duera.--Count Ugolino.

CANTO XXXIII. Ninth Circle: Traitors. Second ring: Antenora.-- Count Ugolino.--Third ring: Ptolomaea.--Brother Alberigo.--Branca d' Oria.

CANTO XXXIV. Ninth Circle: Traitors. Fourth ring: Judecca.-- Lucifer.--Judas, Brutus and Cassius.--Centre of the universe.-- Passage from Hell.--Ascent to the surface of the Southern hemisphere.

  • 少年,离我远点


  • 灭生芳华


  • 雇佣军之獠牙


  • 替身新娘


  • 在云一方


  • 王牌战王


  • 神魔舞九天


  • 新解汉字


  • 重生空间之我是军嫂


  • 斗破虚空之崛起

