The schwitzar gathered the general into his great arms and carried him into the veranda.Feodor demanded five minutes' respite before he was taken upstairs to his chamber.Matrena Petrovna had a light luncheon brought at his request.In truth, the good woman trembled with impatience and hardly dared move without consulting Rouletabille's face.While the general talked with Ermolai, who passed him his tea, Rouletabille made a sign to Matrena that she understood at once.She joined the young man in the drawing-room.
"Madame," he said rapidly, in a low voice, "you must go at once to see what has happened there."He pointed to the dining-room.
"Very well."
It was pitiful to watch her.
"Go, madame, with courage."
"Why don't you come with me?"
"Because, madame, I have something to do elsewhere.Give me the keys of the next floor.""No, no.What for?"
"Not a second's delay, for the love of Heaven.Do what I tell you on your side, and let me do mine.The keys! Come, the keys!"He snatched them rather than took them, and pointed a last time to the dining-room with a gesture so commanding that she did not hesitate further.She entered the dining-room, shaking, while he bounded to the upper floor.He was not long.He took only time to open the doors, throw a glance into the general's chamber, a single glance, and to return, letting a cry of joy escape him, borrowed from his new and very limited accomplishment of Russian, "Caracho!"How Rouletabille, who had not spent half a second examining the general's chamber, was able to be certain that all went well on that side, when it took Matrena - and that how many times a day!
- at least a quarter of an hour of ferreting in all the corners each time she explored her house before she was even inadequately reassured, was a question.If that dear heroic woman had been with him during this "instant information" she would have received such a shock that, with all confidence gone, she would have sent for Koupriane immediately, and all his agents, reinforced by the personnel of the Okrana (Secret Police).Rouletabille at once rejoined the general, whistling.Feodor and Ermolai were deep in conversation about the Orel country.The young man did not disturb them.Then, soon, Matrena reappeared.He saw her come in quite radiant.He handed back her keys, and she took them mechanically.
She was overjoyed and did not try to hide it.The general himself noticed it, and asked what had made her so.
"It is my happiness over our first promenade since we arrived at the datcha des Iles," she explained."And now you must go upstairs to bed, Feodor.You will pass a good night, I am sure.""I can sleep only if you sleep, Matrena.""I promise you.It is quite possible now that we have our dear little domovoi.You know, Feodor, that he smokes his pipe just like the dear little porcelain domovoi.""He does resemble him, he certainly does," said Feodor."That makes us feel happy, but I wish him to sleep also.""Yes, yes," smiled Rouletabille, "everybody will sleep here.That is the countersign.We have watched enough.Since the police are gone we can all sleep, believe me, general.""Eh, eh, I believe you, on my word, easily enough.There were only they in the house capable of attempting that affair of the bouquet.