I turned my head in all directions, and decided that the sound came from my husband's chamber.I ran there.He still slept, man that he is! The tick-tack was there.But where? I turned here and there like a fool.The chamber was in darkness and it seemed absolutely impossible for me to light a lamp because I thought Icould not take the time for fear the infernal machine would go off in those few seconds.I threw myself on the floor and listened under the bed.The noise came from above.But where? I sprang to the fireplace, hoping that, against my orders, someone had started the mantel-clock.No, it was not that! It seemed to me now that the tick-tack came from the hed itself, that the machine was in the bed.The general awaked just then and cried to me, 'What is it, Matrena? What are you doing?' And he raised himself in bed, while I cried, 'Listen! Hear the tick-tack.Don't you hear the tick-tack?' I threw myself upon him and gathered him up in my arms to carry him, but I trembled too much, was too weak from fear, and fell back with him onto the bed, crying, 'Help!' He thrust me away and said roughly, 'Listen.' The frightful tick-tack was behind us now, on the table.But there was nothing on the table, only the night-light, the glass with the potion in it, and a gold vase where I had placed with my own hands that morning a cluster of grasses and wild flowers that Ermolai had brought that morning on his return from the Orel country.With one bound I was on the table and at the flowers.I struck my fingers among the grasses and the flowers, and felt a resistance.The tick-tack was in the bouquet! I took the bouquet in both hands, opened the window and threw it as far as I could into the garden.At the same moment the bomb burst with a terrible noise, giving me quite a deep wound in the hand.Truly, my dear little domovoi, that day we had been very near death, but God and the Little Father watched over us."And Matrena Petrovna made the sign of the cross.
"All the windows of the house were broken.In all, we escaped with the fright and a visit from the glazier, my little friend, but Icertainly believed that all was over."
"And Mademoiselle Natacha?" inquired Rouletabille."She must also have been terribly frightened, because the whole house must have rocked.""Surely.But Natacha was not here that night.It was a Saturday.
She had been invited to the soiree du 'Michel' by the parents of Boris Nikolaievitch, and she slept at their house, after supper at the Ours, as had been planned.The next day, when she learned the danger the general had escaped, she trembled in every limb.She threw herself in her father's arms, weeping, which was natural enough, and declared that she never would go away from him again.
The general told her how I had managed.Then she pressed me to her heart, saying that she never would forget such an action, and that she loved me more than if I were truly her mother.It was all in vain that during the days following we sought to understand how the infernal machine had been placed in the bouquet of wild flowers.
Only the general's friends that you saw this evening, Natacha and I had entered the general's chamber during the day or in the evening.
No servant, no chamber-maid, had been on that floor.In the day-time as well as all night long that entire floor is closed and I have the keys.The door of the servants' staircase which opens onto that floor, directly into the general's chamber, is always locked and barred on the inside with iron.Natacha and I do the chamber work.There is no way of taking greater precautions.Three police agents watched over us night and day.The night of the bouquet two had spent their time watching around the house, and the third lay on the sofa in the veranda.Then, too, we found all the doors and windows of the villa shut tight.In such circumstances you can judge whether my anguish was not deeper than any I had known hitherto.Because to whom, henceforth, could we trust ourselves?
what and whom could we believe? what and whom could we watch?
>From that day, no other person but Natacha and me have the right to go to the first floor.The general's chamber was forbidden to his friends.Anyway, the general improved, and soon had the pleasure of receiving them himself at his table.I carry the general down and take him to his room again on my back.I do not wish anyone to help.I am strong enough for that.I feel that I could carry him to the end of the world if that would save him.Instead of three police, we had ten; five outside, five inside.The days went well enough, but the nights were frightful, because the shadows of the police that I encountered always made me fear that I was face to face with the Nihilists.One night I almost strangled one with my hand.It was after that incident that we arranged with Koupriane that the agents who watched at night, inside, should stay placed in the veranda, after having, at the end of the evening, made complete examination of everything.They were not to leave the veranda unless they heard a suspicious noise or I called to them.And it was after that arrangement that the incident of the floor happened, that has puzzled so both Koupriane and me.""Pardon, madame," interrupted Rouletabille, "but the agents, during the examination of everything, never went to the bedroom floor?""No, my child, there is only myself and Natacha, I repeat, who, since the bouquet, go there.""Well, madame, it is necessary to take me there at once.""At once!"
"Yes, into the general's chamber."
"But he is sleeping, my child.Let me tell you exactly how the affair of the floor happened, and you will know as much of it as I and as Koupriane.""To the general's chamber at once."
She took both his hands and pressed them nervously."Little friend!
Little friend! One hears there sometimes things which are the secret of the night! You understand me?""To the general's chamber, at once, madame."Abruptly she decided to take him there, agitated, upset as she was by ideas and sentiments which held her without respite between the wildest inquietude and the most imprudent audacity.