

The dingy little cylindric flowers, hidden beneath the leaves, may be either self-pollenized or cross-pollenized by the bumblebees to which they are adapted."We may suppose," says Professor Robertson, "that the pendulous position of the flowers owes its origin to the fact that it renders them less convenient to other insects, but equally convenient to the higher bees which are the most efficient pollinators; and that the resulting protection to pollen and nectar is merely an incidental effect."Certain Lepidoptera, and small insects which crawl into the cylinder, visit all the Solomon's seals.

The SMOOTH SOLOMON'S SEAL (P.commutatum; P.giganteum of Gray), with much the same range as its smaller relative, grows in moist woods and along shaded streams.It is a variable, capricious plant, with a stout or slender stem, perhaps only one foot high, or again towering above the tallest man's head; the oval leaves also vary greatly in breadth and length; and a solitary flower may droop from an axil, or perhaps eight dingy greenish cylinders may hang in a cluster.But the plant is always smooth throughout.

Even the incurved filaments which obstruct the entrance to this flower are smooth where those of the preceding species are rough-hairy.The style is so short that it may never come in contact with the anthers, although the winged visitors must often leave pollen of the same flower on the stigma.


(Trillium nivale) Lily-of-the-Valley family Flowers - Solitary, pure white, about 1 in.long, on an erect or curved peduncle, from a whorl of 3 leaves at summit of stem.

Three spreading, green, narrowly oblong sepals; 3 oval or oblong petals; 6 stamens, the anthers about as long as filaments; 3slender styles stigmatic along inner side.Stem: 2 to 6 in.high, from a short, tuber-like rootstock.Leaves: 3 in a whorl below the flower, 1 to 2 in.long, broadly oval, rounded at end, on short petioles.Fruit: A 3-lobed reddish berry, about 1/2 in.in diameter, the sepals adhering.

Preferred Habitat - Rich, moist woods and thickets.

Flowering Season - March-May.

Distribution - Pennsylvania, westward to Minnesota and Iowa, south to Kentucky.

Only this delicate little flower, as white as the snow it sometimes must push through to reach the sunshine melting the last drifts in the leafless woods, can be said to wake the robins into song; a full chorus of feathered love-makers greets the appearance of the more widely distributed, and therefore better known, species.

By the rule of three all the trilliums, as their name implies, regulate their affairs.Three sepals, three petals, twice three stamens, three styles, a three-celled ovary, the flower growing out from a whorl of three leaves, make the naming of wake-robins a simple matter to the novice.Rarely do the parts divide into fours, or the petals and sepals revert to primitive green leaves.

With the exception of the painted trillium which sometimes grows in bogs, all the clan live in rich, moist woods.It is said the roots are poisonous.In them the next year's leaves lie curled through the winter, as in the iris and Solomon's seal, among others.

One of the most chastely beautiful of our native wild flowers -so lovely that many shady nooks in English rock-gardens and ferneries contain imported clumps of the vigorous plant - is the LARGE-FLOWERED WAKE-ROBIN, or WHITE WOOD LILY (T.grandiflorum).

Under favorable conditions the waxy, thin, white, or occasionally pink, strongly veined petals may exceed two inches; and in Michigan a monstrous form has been found.The broadly rhombic leaves, tapering to a point, and lacking petioles, are seated in the usual whorl of three, at the summit of the stem, which may attain a foot and a half in height; from the center the decorative flower arises on a long peduncle.At first the entrance to the blossom is closed by the long anthers which much exceed the filaments; and hive-bees, among other insects, in collecting pollen, transfer it to older and now expanded flowers, in which the low stigmas appear between the tall separated stamens.Nectar stored in septal glands at the base invites the visitor laden with pollen from young flowers to come in contact with the three late maturing stigmas.The berry is black.From Quebec to Florida and far westward we find this tardy wake-robin in May or June.

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    因为一次普通的天空异象——月食,SunshineToys的传奇人物——李天空,竟莫名奇妙穿越时空回到清朝。带回了正在刺杀鳌拜的年轻少侠谢枫。两人因中了“阴阳迷幻散”而发生了关系。也许是同情,也许是寂寞,她,竟决定收留这个有些放荡不羁的小鬼。陌生的环境,陌生的世界,这个女人,对他而言,就如同救命的稻草,他,愿意舍弃尊严,跟着她。对她而言,他,只是她寂寞里的一个声音,她,需要他来证明她是活着的。对他而言,她,是他的责任,因为,她是他的女人。孩子,让他们彼此有了一丝牵引。因为怜惜,他深深地被她吸引。但在这个陌生的世界里,他要如何去承担爱情?因为害怕受伤,她拒绝爱情选择逃避,没有哪一段爱情可以得到永恒!但是,这个不属于这个世界的男人却让她感到窝心。古代篇:爸爸竟然是清朝人!!!因为失去武功速度老化被迫冒险坐上实验中的“时光穿梭机”回到古代去找高手!但俩人却一去不复返!!!这也太霹雳了吧!谢十五错愕!!话说沉香可以劈山救母,今天,我谢十五愿意上演一出时空寻亲记!!穿越时空寻找失踪在清朝的父母,可是人还没落地就遭雷劈!这也太倒霉了吧?!怎么说也是孝子一个,怎么能这么对我呢?!天哪~还有没有眼啊!等等,怎么有个小美女呢?还色迷迷地看着自己?她说她是公主?建宁公主?是什么东西啊?为什么我想不起来呢?难道是失忆?不会吧?真这么倒霉啊! ?“跟我进宫!”小美女叉着腰说,“以后你就是我的人!”“凭什么啊?”“因为我是公主!”她命令道。“公主有什么了不起啊!”白了她一眼,转身想走,妈的,几把闪光光的刀立刻架在脖子上,不用这么夸张吧!不进宫就杀我?有没有搞错啊!管他妈妈嫁给谁,反正也什么都想不起了,那么就既来之则安之吧!“美女,不用这么夸张吧?我进宫就是了!!!”不露声色地说,腿早吓软了…
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