

For a few brief seconds no one seemed inclined to take upon themselves the onus of speech. Richard's amazement seemed to increase upon reflection.

"Maderstrom!" he exclaimed. "Bertram! What in the name of all that's diabolical are you doing here?"

"I am just a derelict," Lessingham explained, with a faint smile.

"Glad to see you, Richard. You are a day earlier than I expected."

"You knew that I was coming, then?" Richard demanded.

"Naturally," Lessingham replied. "I had the great pleasure of arranging for your release."

"Look here," Richard went on, "I'm groping about a bit. I don't understand. Forgive me if I run off the track. I'm not forgetting our friendship, Maderstrom, or what I owe to you since you came and found me at Wittenburg. But for all that, you have served in the German Army and are an enemy, and I want to know what you are doing here, in England, in my brother-in-law's house."

"No particular harm, Richard, I promise you," Lessingham replied mildly.

"You are here under a false name!"

"Hamar Lessingham, if you do not mind," the other assented. "I prefer my own name, but I do not fancy that the use of it would ensure me a very warm welcome over here just now. Besides," he added, with a glance at Philippa, "I have to consider the friends whose hospitality I have enjoyed."

In a shadowy sort of way the truth began to dawn upon Richard. His tone became grimmer and his manner more menacing.

"Maderstrom," he said, "we met last under different circumstances.

I will admit that I cut a poor figure, but mine was at least an honourable imprisonment. I am not so sure that yours is an honourable freedom."

Philippa laid her hand upon her brother's arm.

"Dick, dear, do remember that they were starving you to death!" she begged.

"You would never have lived through it," Helen echoed.

"You are talking to Mr. Lessingham," Philippa protested, "as though he were an enemy, instead of the best friend you ever had in your life."

Richard waved them away.

"You must leave this to us," he insisted. "Maderstrom and I will be able to understand one another, at any rate. What are you doing in this house - in England? What is your mission here?"

"Whatever it may have been, it is accomplished," Lessingham said gravely. "At the present moment, my plans are to leave your country to-night."

"Accomplished?" Richard repeated. "What the devil do you mean?

Accomplished? Are you playing the spy in this country?"

"You would probably consider my mission espionage," Lessingham admitted.

"And you have brought it to a successful conclusion?"

"I have."

Philippa threw her arms around her brother's neck. "Dick," she pleaded, "please listen. Mr. Lessingham has been here, in this district, ever since he landed in England. What possible harm could be do? We haven't a single secret to be learned. Everybody knows where our few guns are. Everybody knows where our soldiers are quartered. We haven't a harbour or any secret fortifications.

We haven't any shipping information which it would be of the least use signalling anywhere. Mr. Lessingham has spent his time amongst trifles here. Take Helen away somewhere and forget that you have seen him in the house. Remember that he has saved Henry's life as well as yours."

"I invite no consideration upon that account," Lessingham declared.

"All that I did for you in Germany, I did, or should have attempted to do, for my old friend. Your release was different. I am forced to admit that it was the price paid for my sojourn here. I will only ask you to remember that the bargain was made without your knowledge, and that you are in no way responsible for it."

"A price," Richard pronounced fiercely, "which I refuse to pay!"

Lessingham shrugged his shoulders.

"The alternative," he confessed, "is in your hands."

Richard moved towards the telephone.

"I am sorry, Maderstrom," he said, "but my duty is clear. Who is Commandant here, Philippa?"

Philippa stood between her brother and the telephone. There was a queer, angry patch of colour in her cheeks. Her eyes were on fire.

"Richard," she exclaimed, "you shall not do this from my house!

I forbid you!"

"Do what?"

"Give information. Do you know what it would mean if they believed you?"

"Death," he answered. "Maderstrom knew the risk he ran when he came to this country under a false name."

"Perfectly," Lessingham admitted.

"But I won't have it!" Philippa protested. "He has become our friend. Day by day we have grown to like him better and better.

He has saved your life, Dick. He has brought you back to us.

Think what it is that you purpose!"

"It is what every soldier has to face," Richard declared.

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    看庭院花纷落,我心犹记,那时一抹云中紫。待燕去冬又来,魂断百年,只为痴迷那时清。遥看那一路杏花凄凄楚楚、惨惨淡淡,悟来时,原是一场醉清梦…______ 七月后庭花----------------------------忘了哪年哪月的哪一天,你就突然住进了我心里。我们没有最美丽的邂逅,但却要倾尽一生去忘记。可遗憾的是忘记并不比爱来的容易,所以我选择就这样把你埋在心里。在某个夕阳西下的午后,我会躲在某一处有风吹过的山角下。抬头看着那些疲倦的鸟儿,然后慢慢地去想念那一段流逝的时光。有一天,我终于相信时光可以逆转。可为什么即使时光逆转,命运也不能因此改变?好多事情总是要到最后才能看的清楚。可遗憾的是来时的路我早已经忘记.........