

"Bet he won't come back!" said Sam.

"Well, he might."

"Well, if he does and he hasn't got any horn, I got a right to call him anything I want to, and he's got to stand it. And if he doesn't come back," Sam continued, as by the code, "then I got a right to call him whatever I like next time I ketch him out."

"I expect he'll have SOME kind of ole horn, maybe," said Penrod.

"No," the skeptical Sam insisted, "he won't."

But Roddy did. Twenty minutes elapsed, and both the waiting boys had decided that they were legally entitled to call him whatever they thought fitting, when he burst in, puffing; and in his hands he bore a horn. It was a "real" one, and of a kind that neither Penrod nor Sam had ever seen before, though they failed to realize this, because its shape was instantly familiar to them.

No horn could have been simpler: it consisted merely of one circular coil of brass with a mouthpiece at one end for the musician, and a wide-flaring mouth of its own, for the noise, at the other. But it was obviously a second-hand horn; dents slightly marred it, here and there, and its surface was dull, rather greenish. There were no keys; and a badly faded green cord and tassel hung from the coil.

Even so shabby a horn as this electrified Penrod. It was not a stupendous horn, but it was a horn, and when a boy has been sighing for the moon, a piece of green cheese will satisfy him, for he can play that it is the moon.

"Gimme that HORN!" Penrod shouted, as he dashed for it.

"YAY!" Sam cried, and sought to wrest it from him. Roddy joined the scuffle, trying to retain the horn; but Penrod managed to secure it. With one free hand he fended the others off while he blew into the mouthpiece.

"Let me have it," Sam urged. "You can't do anything with it.

Lemme take it, Penrod."

"No!" said Roddy. "Let ME! My goodness! Ain't I got any right to blow my own horn?"

They pressed upon Penrod, who frantically fended and frantically blew. At last he remembered to compress his lips, and force the air through the compression.

A magnificent snort from the horn was his reward. He removed his lips from the mouthpiece, and capered in pride.

"Hah!" he cried. "Hear that? I guess _I_ can't play this good ole horn! Oh, no!"

During his capers, Sam captured the horn. But Sam had not made the best of his opportunities as an observer of bands; he thrust the mouthpiece deep into his mouth, and blew until his expression became one of agony.

"No, no!" Penrod exclaimed. "You haven't got the secret of blowin' a horn, Sam. What's the use your keepin' hold of it, when you don't know any more about it 'n that? It ain't makin' a sound! You lemme have that good ole horn back, Sam. Haven't you got sense enough to see I know how to PLAY?"

Laying hands upon it, he jerked it away from Sam. who was a little piqued over the failure of his own efforts, especially as Penrod now produced a sonarous blat--quite a long one. Sam became cross.

"My goodness!" Roddy Bitts said peevishly. "Ain't I ever goin' to get a turn at my own horn? Here you've had two turns, Penrod, and even Sam Williams--"

Sam's petulance at once directed itself toward Roddy partly because of the latter's tactless use of the word "even," and the two engaged in controversy, while Penrod was left free to continue the experiments which so enraptured him.

"Your own horn!" Sam sneered. "I bet it isn't yours! Anyway, you can't prove it's yours, and that gives me a right to call you any--"

"You better not! It is, too, mine. It's just the same as mine!"

"No, sir," said Sam; "I bet you got to take it back where you got it, and that's not anything like the same as yours; so I got a perfect right to call you whatev--"

"I do NOT haf to take it back where I got it, either!" Roddy cried, more and more irritated by his opponent's persistence in stating his rights in this matter.

"I BET they told you to bring it back," said Sam tauntingly.

"They didn't, either! There wasn't anybody there."

"Yay! Then you got to get it back before they know it's gone."

"I don't either any such a thing! I heard my Uncle Ethelbert say Sunday he didn't want it. He said he wished somebody'd take that horn off his hands so's he could buy sumpthing else. That's just exactly what he said. I heard him tell my mother. He said, 'I guess I prackly got to give it away if I'm ever goin' to get rid of it.' Well, when my own uncle says he wants to give a horn away, and he wishes he could get rid of it, I guess it's just the same as mine, soon as I go and take it, isn't it? I'm goin' to keep it."

Sam was shaken, but he had set out to demonstrate those rights of his and did not mean to yield them.

"Yes; you'll have a NICE time," he said, "next time your uncle goes to play on that horn and can't find it. No, sir; I got a perfect ri--"

"My uncle don't PLAY on it!" Roddy shrieked. "It's an ole wore- out horn nobody wants, and it's mine, I tell you! I can blow on it, or bust it, or kick it out in the alley and leave it there, if I want to!"

"No, you can't!"

"I can, too!"

"No, you can't. You can't PROVE you can, and unless you prove it, I got a perf--"

Roddy stamped his foot. "I can, too!" he shrieked. "You ole durn jackass, I can, too! I can, can, can, can--"

Penrod suddenly stopped his intermittent production of blats, and intervened. "_I_ know how you can prove it, Roddy," he said briskly. "There's one way anybody can always prove sumpthing belongs to them, so that nobody'd have a right to call them what they wanted to. You can prove it's yours, EASY!"


"Well," said Penrod, "if you give it away."

"What you mean?" asked Roddy, frowning.

"Well, look here," Penrod began brightly. "You can't give anything away that doesn't belong to you, can you?"


"So, then," the resourceful boy continued, "f'r instance, if you give this ole horn to me, that'd prove it was yours, and Sam'd haf to say it was, and he wouldn't have any right to--"

"I won't do it!" said Roddy sourly. "I don't want to give you that horn. What I want to give you anything at all for?"

  • 田家


  • 十诵比丘波罗提木叉戒本




  • 诗辩坻


  • 观音义疏


  • 弗尔诺大陆


  • 鬼女王大人


  • 江湖系统:妖孽教主缠上我


  • 混元帝主


  • 第七任新娘


  • 用我十年守你一生


  • 女友是杀手


  • 浮生无名:说书人


  • Masterman Ready

    Masterman Ready

  • 丑后休夫


    明明在医院打点滴,醒来之后却跑到古代。死了娘,爹不爱,典型的可怜虫,还好有个丫鬟相依为命。生日过的好好的,老爹突然来了,要她参加选秀女。就凭她那副尊容?据说还是先皇钦点的,见鬼了,点她干什么啊。选就选吧,总之也选不上。京城出来个专杀秀女的变态,她很不幸成为靶子。人家一包春药灌下去,她就主动脱光衣服送上门。关键时刻跑出个‘大侠’救了她。非常倒霉,虽然没被变态糟蹋,最终还是失身了。罪魁祸首就是那个‘大侠’。残花败柳的她被家人逼着去选秀,很幸运失身之事被遮掩了过去。本以为以她人见人怕,花见花谢的尊容,绝对落选。很不幸,太后立排众议,将她留了下来。关键时刻,发现自己有了身孕,孩子他爹就是强奸自己那个混蛋.。到底要怎么办?这个孩子到底要把要呢。一咬牙,要吧,孩子无辜啊。为了不让自己怀孕的事露馅,干脆得罪皇帝,进冷宫安胎。哎,无宠的日子难过啊,今天这个找麻烦,明天那个来羞辱,还要隐瞒自己怀孕的事实,难啊。不知道太后是不是吃错药,对她好的没话说,什么事都替她扛了。无宠妃子做的好好的,太后非要立她做皇后。皇后还没做,后宫那帮女人就虎视耽耽,她不干了,辞职。带了珠宝丫鬟,夜半三更去翻墙。被逮到了,打进冷宫。太后一哭二闹三上吊,又给弄了出来。宫廷冷清,朝堂寂寞,她的小日子还真是不寂寞,和八王爷对对诗,与侍卫统领打打架,今天跟这个逃跑,明天跟那个似奔,皇帝气的想掐死她。侍寝之夜,直接将皇帝暴打一顿逃离皇宫,顺便送上休书一封。“皇帝小子,本宫决定红杏出墙,特地休了你”看看,哪有这样的女人?很不幸,还没跑出皇宫呢,又被逮回来了。盛怒下打了她 10大板,太后气病,八王爷大闹,御前侍卫统领兼好兄弟要辞职,这个丑女人是妖精啊,到最后,连高高在上的皇帝都给拐了去。本文是小丫头的拙作,纯粹自娱。若是看了以后想吐的话,我可不提供酸梅哦!QQ群1:13534516QQ群2:35314648QQ群3 46188156很多书友已经报名客串了,下面公布一下,位报名的赶快了,名额有有限。蓝泪----书友蓝色深海之泪客串逸风公子-----书友逸风客串绝魅公子--------书友親親伱ぶ嘴客串玉情公主(齐玉情)----书友青山Vs绿水 客串秋天-------书友秋天的日记客串赵紫雪(淑妃)-----书友紫雪客串洛思萦-------书友思萦客串水无香-----书友真水无香客串