
第34章 Chapter XXIV.

If I was not morally sure that the reader must be out of all patience for my uncle Toby's character,--I would here previously have convinced him that there is no instrument so fit to draw such a thing with, as that which Ihave pitch'd upon.

A man and his Hobby-Horse, tho' I cannot say that they act and re-act exactly after the same manner in which the soul and body do upon each other: Yet doubtless there is a communication between them of some kind;and my opinion rather is, that there is something in it more of the manner of electrified bodies,--and that, by means of the heated parts of the rider, which come immediately into contact with the back of the Hobby-Horse,--by long journies and much friction, it so happens, that the body of the rider is at length fill'd as full of Hobby-Horsical matter as it can hold;--so that if you are able to give but a clear description of the nature of the one, you may form a pretty exact notion of the genius and character of the other.

Now the Hobby-Horse which my uncle Toby always rode upon, was in my opinion an Hobby-Horse well worth giving a description of, if it was only upon the score of his great singularity;--for you might have travelled from York to Dover,--from Dover to Penzance in Cornwall, and from Penzance to York back again, and not have seen such another upon the road; or if you had seen such a one, whatever haste you had been in, you must infallibly have stopp'd to have taken a view of him. Indeed, the gait and figure of him was so strange, and so utterly unlike was he, from his head to his tail, to any one of the whole species, that it was now and then made a matter of dispute,--whether he was really a Hobby-Horse or no: But as the Philosopher would use no other argument to the Sceptic, who disputed with him against the reality of motion, save that of rising up upon his legs, and walking across the room;--so would my uncle Toby use no other argument to prove his Hobby-Horse was a Hobby-Horse indeed, but by getting upon his back and riding him about;--leaving the world, after that, to determine the point as it thought fit.

In good truth, my uncle Toby mounted him with so much pleasure, and he carried my uncle Toby so well,--that he troubled his head very little with what the world either said or thought about it.

It is now high time, however, that I give you a description of him:--But to go on regularly, I only beg you will give me leave to acquaint you first, how my uncle Toby came by him.

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    她方晓冰16岁那年失去双亲,从此过着孤苦无依打工上学的日子.或许是她那坚强不屈的精神打动了上天,也或许是她父母不忍再看她孤苦伶仃她有了全新的生活 他冷云寒。江湖最大组织暗玄宫宫主,潇洒不羁,天生待人如一座冰山,却把她宠上了天。 他上官弈,史上最年轻有为的武林盟主,却唯独对她情有独钟,默默地为她付出,只要她幸福。............................如谪仙般的少年宫主,俊雅文彬的武林盟主,俊美邪异的魔宫教主........ .一个个精彩的人物先后上场,正邪之争,恩怨情仇,她究竟应该如何应对,且看一个古灵精怪的现代小女生如何游戏江湖,玩转古代吧…………希望大家喜欢这部作品,要多多收藏!多多奉场喔!O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!
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