
第130章 CHAPTER III(4)

"My dear Miss ----,--I thank you greatly for your kind letter, and your ready compliance with my proposal, as far as the WILLcan go at least. I see, however, that your friends are unwilling that you should undertake the responsibility of accompanying me under present circumstances. But I do not think there would be any great responsibility in the matter. I know, and everybody knows, that you would be as kind and helpful as any one could possibly be, and I hope I should not be very troublesome. It would be as a companion, not as a nurse, that I should wish for your company; otherwise I should not venture to ask it. As for your kind and often-repeated invitation to ----, pray give my sincere thanks to your mother and sisters, but tell them I could not think of inflicting my presence upon them as I now am. It is very kind of them to make so light of the trouble, but still there must be more or less, and certainly no pleasure, from the society of a silent invalid stranger. I hope, however, that Charlotte will by some means make it possible to accompany me after all. She is certainly very delicate, and greatly needs a change of air and scene to renovate her constitution. And then your going with me before the end of May, is apparently out of the question, unless you are disappointed in your visitors; but Ishould be reluctant to wait till then, if the weather would at all permit an earlier departure. You say May is a trying month, and so say others. The earlier part is often cold enough, Iacknowledge, but, according to my experience, we are almost certain of some fine warm days in the latter half, when the laburnums and lilacs are in bloom; whereas June is often cold, and July generally wet. But I have a more serious reason than this for my impatience of delay. The doctors say that change of air or removal to a better climate would hardly ever fail of success in consumptive cases, if the remedy were taken IN TIME;but the reason why there are so many disappointments is, that it is generally deferred till it is too late. Now I would not commit this error; and, to say the truth, though I suffer much less from pain and fever than I did when you were with us, I am decidedly weaker, and very much thinner. My cough still troubles me a good deal, especially in the night, and, what seems worse than all, Iam subject to great shortness of breath on going up-stairs or any slight exertion. Under these circumstances, I think there is no time to be lost. I have no horror of death: if I thought it inevitable, I think I could quietly resign myself to the prospect, in the hope that you, dear Miss ----, would give as much of your company as you possibly could to Charlotte, and be a sister to her in my stead. But I wish it would please God to spare me, not only for papa's and Charlotte's sakes, but because I long to do some good in the world before I leave it. I have many schemes in my head for future practice--humble and limited indeed--but still I should not like them all to come to nothing, and myself to have lived to so little purpose. But God's will be done. Remember me respectfully to your mother and sisters, and believe me, dear Miss ----, yours most affectionately, "ANNE BRONTE."It must have been about this time that Anne composed her last verses, before "the desk was closed, and the pen laid aside for ever."I.

"I hoped that with the brave and strong My portioned task might lie;To toil amid the busy throng, With purpose pure and high.


"But God has fixed another part, And He has fixed it well:

I said so with my bleeding heart, When first the anguish fell.


"Thou God, hast taken our delight, Our treasured hope, away;Thou bid'st us now weep through the night And sorrow through the day.


"These weary hours will not be lost, These days of misery,--These nights of darkness, anguish-tost,--

Can I but turn to Thee.


"With secret labour to sustain In humble patience every blow;To gather fortitude from pain, And hope and holiness from woe.


"Thus let me serve Thee from my heart, Whate'er may be my written fate;Whether thus early to depart, Or yet a while to wait.


"If Thou should'st bring me back to life, More humbled I should be;More wise--more strengthened for the strife, More apt to lean on Thee.


"Should death be standing at the gate, Thus should I keep my vow;But, Lord, whatever be my fate, Oh let me serve Thee now!"I take Charlotte's own words as the best record of her thoughts and feelings during all this terrible time.

"April 12th.

"I read Anne's letter to you; it was touching enough, as you say.

If there were no hope beyond this world,--no eternity, no life to come,--Emily's fate, and that which threatens Anne, would be heart-breaking. I cannot forget Emily's death-day; it becomes a more fixed, a darker, a more frequently recurring idea in my mind than ever. It was very terrible. She was torn, conscious, panting, reluctant, though resolute, out of a happy life. But it WILL NOT do to dwell on these things.

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  • 英雄联盟之最强王者


  • 不朽武者


  • 半世杀宠
  • 邪瞳驭兽


  • 绝对亢奋


    邓刚的作品,一向以特殊的幽默语言、特殊的生活层面和特殊的观察眼光,引起评论家的称道和广大读者的喜爱。这部《绝对亢奋》,同样是让人充分享受到阅读的快感和思考的快乐。作品跨越六十、七十、八十年代,描写了包括工人、苦力、煤黑子、木匠、知青、盲流、海碰子等众多奇特的人物形象,通过从都市底层的蛮野世界求生挣扎爬出来的陈立世、刘剑飞、母老虎、邵凡、姐夫和林晓洁等人的命运,展开了读者似乎熟悉又陌生的广大生存面,写出了他们在为起码生存的艰辛拼搏中,灵与肉、同情与嫉妒、仁慈与冷酷、真诚与狡诈、爱悦与情欲的交战扭殴,揭示了今天社会中的某一部分人的来源以及他们 戾变和成熟的历史,写出了社会普通人的善良美好的内心。
  • 诡境秘踪


  • 刀十三


  • 甜蜜诱惑


    有没有搞错啊!才五岁初吻就被夺走~还被拐走当媳妇 ~她冤啊!更没想到的是为了别的女人,他竟然要赶她走!好!走就走谁怕谁啊!~可是老天还不放过她!竟会和他再次相遇,还有那个危险女人~到现在也不放过她~真是够了~要不是为了她的宝贝~她才懒得理呢!还有那个男人!什么嘛,明明不爱她还要折磨她,真是要疯了,如果有一天她真的被逼死了那么~