
第12章 CHAPTER IV.(3)

I rather pride myself on my packing. Packing is one of those many things that I feel I know more about than any other person living. (It surprises me myself, sometimes, how many of these subjects there are.) I impressed the fact upon George and Harris, and told them that they had better leave the whole matter entirely to me. They fell into the suggestion with a readiness that had something uncanny about it. George put on a pipe and spread himself over the easy-chair, and Harris cocked his legs on the table and lit a cigar.

This was hardly what I intended. What I had meant, of course, was, that I should boss the job, and that Harris and George should potter about under my directions, I pushing them aside every now and then with, "Oh, you - !" "Here, let me do it." "There you are, simple enough!" - really teaching them, as you might say. Their taking it in the way they did irritated me. There is nothing does irritate me more than seeing other people sitting about doing nothing when I'm working.

I lived with a man once who used to make me mad that way. He would loll on the sofa and watch me doing things by the hour together, following me round the room with his eyes, wherever I went. He said it did him real good to look on at me, messing about. He said it made him feel that life was not an idle dream to be gaped and yawned through, but a noble task, full of duty and stern work. He said he often wondered now how he could have gone on before he met me, never having anybody to look at while they worked.

Now, I'm not like that. I can't sit still and see another man slaving and working. I want to get up and superintend, and walk round with my hands in my pockets, and tell him what to do. It is my energetic nature.

I can't help it.

However, I did not say anything, but started the packing. It seemed a longer job than I had thought it was going to be; but I got the bag finished at last, and I sat on it and strapped it.

"Ain't you going to put the boots in?" said Harris.

And I looked round, and found I had forgotten them. That's just like Harris. He couldn't have said a word until I'd got the bag shut and strapped, of course. And George laughed - one of those irritating, senseless, chuckle-headed, crack-jawed laughs of his. They do make me so wild.

I opened the bag and packed the boots in; and then, just as I was going to close it, a horrible idea occurred to me. Had I packed my tooth-brush? I don't know how it is, but I never do know whether I've packed my tooth-brush.

My tooth-brush is a thing that haunts me when I'm travelling, and makes my life a misery. I dream that I haven't packed it, and wake up in a cold perspiration, and get out of bed and hunt for it. And, in the morning, I pack it before I have used it, and have to unpack again to get it, and it is always the last thing I turn out of the bag; and then I repack and forget it, and have to rush upstairs for it at the last moment and carry it to the railway station, wrapped up in my pocket-handkerchief.

Of course I had to turn every mortal thing out now, and, of course, I could not find it. I rummaged the things up into much the same state that they must have been before the world was created, and when chaos reigned. Of course, I found George's and Harris's eighteen times over, but I couldn't find my own. I put the things back one by one, and held everything up and shook it. Then I found it inside a boot. I repacked once more.

When I had finished, George asked if the soap was in. I said I didn't care a hang whether the soap was in or whether it wasn't; and I slammed the bag to and strapped it, and found that I had packed my tobacco-pouch in it, and had to re-open it. It got shut up finally at 10.5 p.m., and then there remained the hampers to do. Harris said that we should be wanting to start in less than twelve hours' time, and thought that he and George had better do the rest; and I agreed and sat down, and they had a go.

  • 芬陀利室词话


  • 宋景濂先生未刻集




  • 通关文


  • 双槐岁钞


  • 英雄联盟之跨时代


  • 老板无情,妾有意


  • 三族ThreeRace


  • 黑暗猎魔录:重生


  • 千年之恋:郎心妾意


  • 我本是妖


  • 告诉你一个达尔文的故事


  • 绝世战神:萌萌倾城亦倾国


  • 郑州之伤


  • 宋江山:金戈铁马下的海市蜃楼


    本书分为《金瓯缺》和《偏安恨》上下两编,共四章,以历史人物为核心线索,分别讲述北宋与辽、北宋与西夏以及南宋与金、南宋与元之间的战和交锋岁月,力求从大历史的视角来叙说宋朝与周围多个并立政权的复杂关系。 本书选择的人物,都是风云变幻中的人物,因此这其中的人物有两层内容:一是人物本人的血肉命运;二是人物透视的视角,折射出大时代的风云。因而本书既是一本关于历史风云人物的书,也是一本两宋时局的书,着重讲述了两宋的外患。所谓弱国无外交,外患从来就是起自内忧,本书也涉及宋朝自建国到灭亡的内政,涵盖了相关的政治、经济、军事、文化及林林总总的人物。 历史,从来就不该被忘记。忘记历史,就意味着背叛。