

The young man turned toward the tree he had just quitted,and without further words assisted her to mount to the cavity.It was an irregular-shaped vaulted chamber,pierced fifty feet above by a shaft or cylindrical opening in the decayed trunk,which was blackened by smoke,as if it had served the purpose of a chimney.

In one corner lay a bearskin and blanket;at the side were two alcoves or indentations,one of which was evidently used as a table,and the other as a cupboard.In another hollow,near the entrance,lay a few small sacks of flour,coffee,and sugar,the sticky contents of the latter still strewing the floor.From this storehouse the young man drew a wicker flask of whiskey,and handed it,with a tin cup of water,to the woman.She waved the cup aside,placed the flask to her lips,and drank the undiluted spirit.Yet even this was evidently bravado,for the water started to her eyes,and she could not restrain the paroxysm of coughing that followed.

"I reckon that's the kind that kills at forty rods,"she said,with a hysterical laugh."But I say,pardner,you look as if you were fixed here to stay,"and she stared ostentatiously around the chamber.But she had already taken in its minutest details,even to observing that the hanging strips of bark could be disposed so as to completely hide the entrance.

"Well,yes,"he replied;"it wouldn't be very easy to pull up the stakes and move the shanty further on."Seeing that either from indifference or caution he had not accepted her meaning,she looked at him fixedly,and said,--"What is your little game?"


"What are you hiding for--here,in this tree?""But I'm not hiding."

"Then why didn't you come out when they hailed you last night?""Because I didn't care to."

Teresa whistled incredulously."All right--then if you're not hiding,I'm going to."As he did not reply,she went on:"If Ican keep out of sight for a couple of weeks,this thing will blow over here,and I can get across into Yolo.I could get a fair show there,where the boys know me.Just now the trails are all watched,but no one would think of lookin'here.""Then how did you come to think of it?"he asked carelessly.

"Because I knew that bear hadn't gone far for that sugar;because I know he hadn't stole it from a cache--it was too fresh,and we'd have seen the torn-up earth;because we had passed no camp;and because I knew there was no shanty here.And,besides,"she added in a low voice,"maybe I was huntin'a hole myself to die in--and spotted it by instinct."There was something in this suggestion of a hunted animal that,unlike anything she had previously said or suggested,was not exaggerated,and caused the young man to look at her again.She was standing under the chimney-like opening,and the light from above illuminated her head and shoulders.The pupils of her eyes had lost their feverish prominence,and were slightly suffused and softened as she gazed abstractedly before her.The only vestige of her previous excitement was in her left-hand fingers,which were incessantly twisting and turning a diamond ring upon her right hand,but without imparting the least animation to her rigid attitude.Suddenly,as if conscious of his scrutiny,she stepped aside out of the revealing light and by a swift feminine instinct raised her hand to her head as if to adjust her straggling hair.It was only for a moment,however,for,as if aware of the weakness,she struggled to resume her aggressive pose.

"Well,"she said."Speak up.Am I goin'to stop here,or have Igot to get up and get?"

"You can stay,"said the young man quietly;"but as I've got my provisions and ammunition here,and haven't any other place to go to just now,I suppose we'll have to share it together."She glanced at him under her eyelids,and a half-bitter,half-contemptuous smile passed across her face."All right,old man,"she said,holding out her hand,"it's a go.We'll start in housekeeping at once,if you like.""I'll have to come here once or twice a day,"he said,quite composedly,"to look after my things,and get something to eat;but I'll be away most of the time,and what with camping out under the trees every night I reckon my share won't incommode you."She opened her black eyes upon him,at this original proposition.

Then she looked down at her torn dress."I suppose this style of thing ain't very fancy,is it?"she said,with a forced laugh.

"I think I know where to beg or borrow a change for you,if you can't get any,"he replied simply.

She stared at him again."Are you a family man?""No."

She was silent for a moment."Well,"she said,"you can tell your girl I'm not particular about its being in the latest fashion."There was a slight flush on his forehead as he turned toward the little cupboard,but no tremor in his voice as he went on:

"You'll find tea and coffee here,and,if you're bored,there's a book or two.You read,don't you--I mean English?"She nodded,but cast a look of undisguised contempt upon the two worn,coverless novels he held out to her."You haven't got last week's 'Sacramento Union,'have you?I hear they have my case all in;only them lying reporters made it out against me all the time.""I don't see the papers,"he replied curtly.

"They say there's a picture of me in the 'Police Gazette,'taken in the act,"and she laughed.

He looked a little abstracted,and turned as if to go."I think you'll do well to rest a while just now,and keep as close hid as possible until afternoon.The trail is a mile away at the nearest point,but some one might miss it and stray over here.

You're quite safe if you're careful,and stand by the tree.You can build a fire here,"he stepped under the chimney-like opening,"without its being noticed.Even the smoke is lost and cannot be seen so high."The light from above was falling on his head and shoulders,as it had on hers.She looked at him intently.

  • 可传集


  • 道门经法相承次序


  • 柯亭词论


  • The Hated Son

    The Hated Son



  • 活在自己的手中


  • 华人十大科学家:华罗庚


    华罗庚(1910.11.12—1985.6.12),世界著名数学家,是中国解析数论、矩阵几何学、典型群、自安函数论等多方面研究的创始人和开拓者。1910年11月12日,出生于中国江苏金坛县。1985年6月12日,因心脏病突然发作,于日本东京病逝。国际上以华氏命名的数学科研成果就有“华氏定理”、“怀依—华不等式”、“华氏不等式”、“普劳威尔—加当华定理”、 “华氏算子”、“华—王方法”等。《华罗庚》由李景文编著,是“华人十大科学家”系列丛书之一。《华罗庚》记述了华罗庚的成长之路,他的童年时代,他的求学历程,他的梦想,他的探索与实践,他的勇敢为人类带来了认知世界的曙光。
  • 龙临末世


  • 玉皇道元


  • 三里屯儿尼亚


  • 王:我的男友是只灵


  • 盗文猎人


  • 我的世界——巅峰之决


  • 总裁好残酷(总裁好酷系列之四)


  • 博真道士

