

Willock glared at him in silence,fingering the trigger thoughtfully.There I've sat,on that hill,he continued,since two o'clock last night,waiting for daylight so I could ask you to help a miserable wretch that's just starving to death for the sound of a girl's voice,and the sight of a girl's smile.Isn't this square,waiting for you,and telling you the whole truth?I never saw her but once,and that was from this same hill.She didn't know I was watching;it was yesterday.Maybe all I'm saying sounds just crazy to you,and I reckon I am out of my senses,but until I saw her I didn't know how heart-sick I was of the whole business.

It IS kinder lonesome,remarked the other gruffly.He lowered his gun and leaned on it,irresolutely.You've sure touched me in the right spot,son,for I knows all you mean and more that you ain't even ever dreampt of.But you see,we don't know nothing about your name,your character,if you've got one,nor what you really intends.I like your looks and the way you talk,fine,just fine,but I've saw bobcats that was mighty sleek and handsome when they didn't know I was nigh.

My name in Wilfred Compton.I--I have a letter or two in my pocket that I got a long time ago;they'd tell something about me but I'd rather not show 'em,as they're private--

From your gal,I reckon?asked Willock more mildly.Yes,he answered gloomily.

Carried 'em as long as a year?Nearly two years.

Mean to still lug 'em around?Of course I'm going to keep 'em.

Well,I don't deny THAT'S pretty favorable.Now look here,son,I've been half-crazy from lonesomeness,and I don't believe I've got the heart to send you away.That gal of ours--she's just a kid,you understand....Now you wouldn't be taking up no idea that she was what you'd classify as a young lady,or anything like that,eh?

Of course not--she's fifteen or sixteen,I should think.Upon my honor,Willock,any thought of sentiment or romance is a thousand miles from my mind.

Yes,just so.But such thoughts travels powerful fast;don't take 'em long to lap over a thousand mile.

But it's because she IS a young girl,fresh and unartificial as the mountain breezes,that I want to be with her for a little while--yes,get to know her,if I may.

Willock turned to the taciturn old man standing a little behind him.Bill Atkins,what do you say?

I say,fire him and do it quick!was the instant rejoinder,accompanied by threatening twitchings of the huge white mustache.

Willock was not convinced.Son,if you sets here till we have had our breakfast,and has held a caucus over you,I'll bring you the verdict in about an hour.If you don't like that,they's nothing to do but put out for your ranch.

I go on duty at seven,replied the young man composedly,but I have a friend riding the line that'll stay with it till I come.So I'll wait for your caucus.

That friend--one of them devils I shot at the other day?Wilfred Compton smiled with sudden sunniness.Yes.

Somewhere beneath the immense whiskers,an answering smile slipped like a breeze,stirring the iron-gray hair.I kinder believe in you,son!Nobody can't gainsay that you've played the man in this matter.Now,just one thing more.You must swear here before me,with Bill Atkins for an unwilling witness,that should we let you make the acquaintance of our little gal,and should you get to be friends,you two,that the very fust minute it comes to you that she ain't no little gal,but is in the way of being food for love--Bill Atkins,air I making myself plain?

You ain't,returned the old man sourly.You're too complicated for ordinary use.

Then YOU tell him what I mean.

The old man glared at Wilfred fiercely.If we decide to grant your request,young man,swear on your honor that the second you find yourself thinking of our little girl as a WOMAN,to be wooed and won,you'll put out,and never stop till you're so far away,you'll be clear out of her world.And not one word to her,not so much as one hint,mind you,as to the reason of your going;it'll just be good-by and farewell!

You see,Willock interpolated,she is nothing a little gal,and we don't want no foolish ideas to the contrary.You takes her for what she is,nothing took from nor added to.In course,she'll be growed up some day,I reckon,though may the good Lord take a good long time finishing up the work He's begun so noble.When she's growed up,when she's a woman,it ain't for us to say how you come and how you go,take from or add to.But while she's a kid,it is different,according.

You have my word of honor to all these conditions,Wilfred cried lightly.As a child of the mountains I ask for her acquaintance.If I should ever feel differently about her,I'll go away and stay away until she's a woman.Surely that's enough to promise!

There ain't too much to promise,when it comes to the peace and happiness of our little girl,retorted the old man,but I can't think of any more for you to take oath to.

Me nuther,Bill,agreed Willock.Seems to me the young man is bound as firm as humans can do the binding.Now you sit right here,son,don't come a step nigher the house,and we'll go to breakfast;and later you'll know whether or not all this promising has been idle waste of time.But I can see how it'll turn out,growled Atkins,for she is always a-looking for something new,something out of the big world that she don't know nothing about.

Never mind,Bill,don't give up so quick,Willock reproached him,as they turned away.She's been having a good look at him all this time,and it may be she have took a distaste to him already.

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