"What's that?" cried Norbert, starting to his feet."What are you talking about?""It's true," said the Colonel, deliberately."She told me so herself.Eskew had dropped off into a sort of doze--more like a stupor, perhaps,--and we all went into Roger's old studio, except Louden and the doctor, and while we were there, talkin', one of Pike's clerks came with a basket full of tin boxes and packages of papers and talked to Miss Tabor at the door and went away.Then old Peter blundered out and asked her point-blank what it was, and she said it was her estate, almost everything she had, except the house.Buckalew, tryin'
to make a joke, said he'd be willin' to swap HIShouse and lot for the basket, and she laughed and told him she thought he'd be sorry; that all there was, to speak of, was a pile of distillery stock--""What?" repeated Norbert, incredulously.
"Yes.It was the truth," said the Colonel, solemnly."I saw it myself: blocks and blocks of stock in that distillery trust that went up higher'n a kite last year.Roger had put all of Jonas's good money--""Not into that!" shouted Norbert, uncontrollably excited.
"Yes, he did.I tell you I saw it!"
"I tell you he didn't.He owned Granger Gas, worth more to-day than it ever was! Pike was Roger's attorney-in-fact and bought it for him before the old man died.The check went through my hands.You don't think I'd forget as big a check as that, do you, even if it was more than a year ago? Or how it was signed and who made out to? It was Martin Pike that got caught with distillery stock.He speculated once too often!""No, you're wrong," persisted the Colonel."Itell you I saw it myself.""Then you're blind," returned his grandson, disrespectfully; "you're blind or else--or else--"He paused, open-mouthed, a look of wonder struggling its way to expression upon him, gradually conquering every knobby outpost of his countenance.
He struck his fat hands together."Where's Joe Louden?" he asked, sharply."I want to see him.Did you leave him at Miss Tabor's?""He's goin' to sit up with Eskew.What do you want of him?""I should say you better ask that!" Mrs.
Flitcroft began, shrilly."It's enough, I guess, for one of this family to go runnin' after him and shakin'
hands with him and Heaven knows what not! NORBERTFLITCROFT!"But Norbert jumped from the porch, ruthlessly crossed his grandmother's geranium-bed, and, making off at as sharp a pace as his architecture permitted, within ten minutes opened Ariel's gate.
Sam Warden came forward to meet him.
"Don't ring, please, suh," said Sam."Dey sot me out heah to tell inquirin' frien's dat po' ole Mist'
Arp mighty low."
"I want to see Mr.Louden," returned Norbert.
"I want to see him immediately."
"I don' reckon he kin come out yit," Sam said, in a low tone."But I kin go in an' ast 'em."He stepped softly within, leaving Norbert waiting, and went to the door of the sick-room.The door was open, the room brightly lighted, as Eskew had commanded when, a little earlier, he awoke.
Joe and Ariel were alone with him, leaning toward him with such white anxiety that the colored man needed no warning to make him remain silent in the hallway.The veteran was speaking and his voice was very weak, seeming to come from a great distance.
"It's mighty funny, but I feel like I used to when I was a little boy.I reckon I'm kind of scared--after all.Airie Tabor,--are you--here?""Yes, Mr.Arp.""I thought--so--but I--I don't see very well--lately.I--wanted--to--know--to know--""Yes--to know?" She knelt close beside him.
"It's kind of--foolish," he whispered."I just --wanted to know if you was still here.It--don't seem so lonesome now that I know."She put her arm lightly about him and he smiled and was silent for a time.Then he struggled to rise upon his elbow, and they lifted him a little.
"It's hard to breathe," gasped the old man.
"I'm pretty near--the big road.Joe Louden--""Yes?""You'd have been--willing--willing to change places with me--just now--when Airie--"Joe laid his hand on his, and Eskew smiled again.
"I thought so! And, Joe--"
"You always--always had the--the best of that joke between us.Do you--you suppose they charge admission--up there?" His eyes were lifted."Do you suppose you've got to--to show your good deeds to git in?" The answering whisper was almost as faint as the old man's.
"No," panted Eskew, "nobody knows.But Ihope--I do hope--they'll have some free seats.
It's a--mighty poor show--we'll--all have--if they--don't!"He sighed peacefully, his head grew heavier on Joe's arm; and the young man set his hand gently upon the unseeing eyes.Ariel did not rise from where she knelt, but looked up at him when, a little later, he lifted his hand.
"Yes," said Joe, "you can cry now."