There you go, `Flower-Girls'! Turn your silly faces to the wall and smile and cry there till I'm gone and somebody throws you on a bonfire.I'LLnever look at you again." He paused, with the canvas half turned."And yet," he went on, reflectively, "a man promised me thirty-five dollars for that picture once.I painted it to order, but he went away before I finished it, and never answered the letters I wrote him about it.I wish I had the money now--perhaps we could have more than two meals a day.""We don't need more," said Ariel, scraping the palette attentively."It's healthier with only breakfast and supper.I think I'd rather have a new dress than dinner.""I dare say you would," the old man mused.
"You're young--you're young.What were you doing all this afternoon, child?""In my room, trying to make over mamma's wedding-dress for to-night.""To-night?"1
"I don't think I'll be very gay," she answered.
"I don't know why I go--nobody ever asks me to dance.""Why not?" he asked, with an old man's astonishment.
"I don't know.Perhaps it's because I don't dress very well." Then, as he made a sorrowful gesture, she cut him off before he could speak.
"Oh, it isn't altogether because we're poor; it's more I don't know how to wear what I've got, the way some girls do.I never cared much and--well, I'M not worrying, Roger! And I think I've done a good deal with mamma's dress.It's a very grand dress.I wonder I never thought of wearing it until to-day.I may be"--she laughed and blushed --"I may be the belle of the ball--who knows!""You'll want me to walk over with you and come for you afterwards, I expect.""Only to take me.It may be late when Icome away--if a good many SHOULD ask me to dance, for once! Of course I could come home alone.But Joe Louden is going to sort of hang around outside, and he'll meet me at the gate and see me safe home.""Oh!" he exclaimed, blankly.
"Isn't it all right?" she asked.
"I think I'd better come for you," he answered, gently."The truth is, I--I think you'd better not be with Joe Louden a great deal.""Why?""Well, he doesn't seem a vicious boy to me, but I'm afraid he's getting rather a bad name, my dear.""He's not getting one," she said, gravely."He's already got one.He's had a bad name in Canaan for a long while.It grew in the first place out of shabbiness and mischief, but it did grow; and if people keep on giving him a bad name the time will come when he'll live up to it.He's not any worse than I am, and I guess my own name isn't too good--for a girl.And yet, so far, there's nothing against him except his bad name.""I'm afraid there is," said Roger."It doesn't look very well for a young man of his age to be doing no better than delivering papers.""It gives him time to study law," she answered, quickly."If he clerked all day in a store, he couldn't.""I didn't know he was studying now.I thought I'd heard that he was in a lawyer's office for a few weeks last year, and was turned out for setting fire to it with a pipe--""It was an accident," she interposed.
"But some pretty important papers were burned, and after that none of the other lawyers would have him.""He's not in an office," she admitted."I didn't mean that.But he studies a great deal.He goes to the courts all the time they're in session, and he's bought some books of his own.""Well--perhaps," he assented; "but they say he gambles and drinks, and that last week Judge Pike threatened to have him arrested for throwing dice with some negroes behind the Judge's stable.""What of it? I'm about the only nice person in town that will have anything to do with him--and nobody except you thinks I'M very nice!""Ariel! Ariel!""I know all about his gambling with darkies,"she continued, excitedly, her voice rising, "and Iknow that he goes to saloons, and that he's an intimate friend of half the riffraff in town; and I know the reason for it, too, because he's told me.He wants to know them, to understand them; and he says some day they'll make him a power, and then he can help them!"The old man laughed helplessly."But I can't let him bring you home, my dear."She came to him slowly and laid her hands upon his shoulders.Grandfather and granddaughter were nearly of the same height, and she looked squarely into his eyes."Then you must say it is because you want to come for me, not because Imustn't come with Joe.""But I think it is a little because you mustn't come with Joe," he answered, "especially from the Pikes'.Don't you see that it mightn't be well for Joe himself, if the Judge should happen to see him? I understand he warned the boy to keep away from the neighborhood entirely or he would have him locked up for dice-throwing.The Judge is a very influential man, you know, and as determined in matters like this as he is irritable.""Oh, if you put it on that ground," the girl replied, her eyes softening, "I think you'd better come for me yourself.""Very well, I put it on that ground," he returned, smiling upon her"Then I'll send Joe word and get supper," she said, kissing him.
It was the supper-hour not only for them but everywhere in Canaan, and the cold air of the streets bore up and down and around corners the smell of things frying.The dining-room windows of all the houses threw bright patches on the snow of the side-yards; the windows of other rooms, except those of the kitchens, were dark, for the rule of the place was Puritanical in thrift, as in all things; and the good housekeepers disputed every record of the meters with unhappy gas-collectors.
There was no better housekeeper in town than Mrs.Louden, nor a thriftier, but hers was one of the few houses in Canaan, that evening, which showed bright lights in the front rooms while the family were at supper.It was proof of the agitation caused by the arrival of Eugene that she forgot to turn out the gas in her parlor, and in the chamber she called a library, on her way to the evening meal.