

"And what will you do," said he, "if it comes on to blow a storm?"This question silenced me, while I considered what I should do in such a case.At length I laid my hand an his arm, and said, "Bill, when a man has done all that he CAN do, he ought to leave the rest to God.""Oh, Ralph," said my companion, in a faint voice, looking anxiously into my face, "I wish that I had the feelin's about God that you seem to have, at this hour.I'm dyin', Ralph; yet I, who have braved death a hundred times, am afraid to die.I'm afraid to enter the next world.Something within tells me there will be a reckoning when I go there.But it's all over with me, Ralph.Ifeel that there's no chance o' my bein' saved.""Don't say that, Bill," said I, in deep compassion, "don't say that.I'm quite sure there's hope even for you, but I can't remember the words of the Bible that make me think so.Is there not a Bible on board, Bill?""No; the last that was in the ship belonged to a poor boy that was taken aboard against his will.He died, poor lad, I think, through ill treatment and fear.After he was gone the captain found his Bible and flung it overboard."I now reflected, with great sadness and self-reproach, on the way in which I had neglected my Bible; and it flashed across me that Iwas actually in the sight of God a greater sinner than this blood-stained pirate; for, thought I, he tells me that he never read the Bible, and was never brought up to care for it; whereas I was carefully taught to read it by my own mother, and had read it daily as long as I possessed one, yet to so little purpose that I could not now call to mind a single text that would meet this poor man's case, and afford him the consolation he so much required.I was much distressed, and taxed my memory for a long time.At last a text did flash into my mind, and I wondered much that I had not thought of it before.

"Bill," said I, in a low voice, "'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.'""Ay, Ralph, I've heard the missionaries say that before now, but what good can it do me? It's not for me that.It's not for the likes o' me."I knew not now what to say, for, although I felt sure that that word was for him as well as for me, I could not remember any other word whereby I could prove it.

After a short pause, Bill raised his eyes to mine and said, "Ralph, I've led a terrible life.I've been a sailor since I was a boy, and I've gone from bad to worse ever since I left my father's roof.

I've been a pirate three years now.It is true I did not choose the trade, but I was inveigled aboard this schooner and kept here by force till I became reckless and at last joined them.Since that time my hand has been steeped in human blood again and again.

Your young heart would grow cold if I - ; but why should I go on?

'Tis of no use, Ralph; my doom is fixed.""Bill," said I, "'Though your sins be red like crimson, they shall be white as snow.' 'Only believe.'""Only believe!" cried Bill, starting up on his elbow; "I've heard men talk o' believing as if it was easy.Ha! 'tis easy enough for a man to point to a rope and say, 'I believe that would bear my weight;' but 'tis another thing for a man to catch hold o' that rope, and swing himself by it over the edge of a precipice!"The energy with which he said this, and the action with which it was accompanied, were too much for Bill.He sank back with a deep groan.As if the very elements sympathized with this man's sufferings, a low moan came sweeping over the sea.

"Hist! Ralph," said Bill, opening his eves; "there's a squall coming, lad.Look alive, boy.Clew up the fore-sail.Drop the main-sail peak.Them squalls come quick sometimes."I had already started to my feet, and saw that a heavy squall was indeed bearing down on us.It had hitherto escaped my notice, owing to my being so much engrossed by our conversation.Iinstantly did as Bill desired, for the schooner was still lying motionless on the glassy sea.I observed with some satisfaction that the squall was bearing down on the larboard bow, so that it would strike the vessel in the position in which she would be best able to stand the shock.Having done my best to shorten sail, Ireturned aft, and took my stand at the helm.

"Now, boy," said Bill, in a faint voice, "keep her close to the wind."A few seconds afterwards he said, "Ralph, let me hear those two texts again."I repeated them.

"Are ye sure, lad, ye saw them in the Bible?""Quite sure," I replied.

Almost before the words had left my lips the wind burst upon us, and the spray dashed over our decks.For a time the schooner stood it bravely, and sprang forward against the rising sea like a war-horse.Meanwhile clouds darkened the sky, and the sea began to rise in huge billows.There was still too much sail on the schooner, and, as the gale increased, I feared that the masts would be torn out of her or carried away, while the wind whistled and shrieked through the strained rigging.Suddenly the wind shifted a point, a heavy sea struck us on the bow, and the schooner was almost laid on her beam-ends, so that I could scarcely keep my legs.At the same moment Bill lost his hold of the belaying-pin which had served to steady him, and he slid with stunning violence against the sky-light.As he lay on the deck close beside me, Icould see that the shock had rendered him insensible, but I did not dare to quit the tiller for an instant, as it required all my faculties, bodily and mental, to manage the schooner.For an hour the blast drove us along, while, owing to the sharpness of the vessel's bow and the press of canvass, she dashed through the waves instead of breasting over them, thereby drenching the decks with water fore and aft.At the end of that time the squall passed away, and left us rocking on the bosom of the agitated sea.

My first care, the instant I could quit the helm, was to raise Bill from the deck and place him on the couch.I then ran below for the brandy bottle and rubbed his face and hands with it, and endeavoured to pour a little down his throat.But my efforts, although I continued them long and assiduously, were of no avail;as I let go the hand which I had been chafing it fell heavily on the deck.I laid my hand over his heart, and sat for some time quite motionless, but there was no flutter there - the pirate was dead!

  • 太保笑传


  • 王俊凯,半夏空庭旧梦光


  • 恋人的欺骗


  • 福妻驾到


  • 艾尔世界


  • 重生之无极道


  • 穿在韩国当地主


  • 清华盛世


  • 倾城时光:恋你如初


  • 纽扣还是恶魔

