

Next day he was happy; for all the afternoon he lay out in the shade of that same wood at her feet, gazing up through larch-boughs.It was so wonderful, with nobody but Nature near.Nature so alive, and busy, and so big!

Coming down from the hut the day before, he had seen a peak that looked exactly like the figure of a woman with a garment over her head, the biggest statue in the world; from further down it had become the figure of a bearded man, with his arm bent over his eyes.Had she seen it? Had she noticed how all the mountains in moonlight or very early morning took the shape of beasts? What he wanted most in life was to be able to make images of beasts and creatures of all sorts, that were like--that had--that gave out the spirit of--Nature; so that by just looking at them one could have all those jolly feelings one had when one was watching trees, and beasts, and rocks, and even some sorts of men--but not 'English Grundys.'

So he was quite determined to study Art?

Oh yes, of course!

He would want to leave--Oxford, then!

No, oh no! Only some day he would have to.

She answered: "Some never get away!"

And he said quickly: "Of course, I shall never want to leave Oxford while you are there."He heard her draw her breath in sharply.

"Oh yes, you will! Now help me up!" And she led the way back to the hotel.

He stayed out on the terrace when she had gone in, restless and unhappy the moment he was away from her.A voice close by said:

"Well, friend Lennan--brown study, or blue devils, which?"There, in one of those high wicker chairs that insulate their occupants from the world, he saw his tutor leaning back, head a little to one side, and tips of fingers pressed together.He looked like an idol sitting there inert, and yet--yesterday he had gone up that mountain!

"Cheer up! You will break your neck yet! When I was your age, Iremember feeling it deeply that I was not allowed to risk the lives of others."Lennan stammered out:

"I didn't think of that; but I thought where Mrs.Stormer could go, I could.""Ah! For all our admiration we cannot quite admit--can we, when it comes to the point?"The boy's loyalty broke into flame:

"It's not that.I think Mrs.Stormer as good as any man--only--only--"

"Not quite so good as you, eh?"

"A hundred times better, sir."

Stormer smiled.Ironic beast!

"Lennan," he said, "distrust hyperbole."

"Of course, I know I'm no good at climbing," the boy broke out again; "but--but--I thought where she was allowed to risk her life, I ought to be!""Good! I like that." It was said so entirely without irony for once, that the boy was disconcerted.

"You are young, Brother Lennan," his tutor went on."Now, at what age do you consider men develop discretion? Because, there is just one thing always worth remembering--women have none of that better part of valour.""I think women are the best things in the world," the boy blurted out.

"May you long have that opinion!" His tutor had risen, and was ironically surveying his knees."A bit stiff!" he said."Let me know when you change your views!""I never shall, sir."

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