

Curdie's Guide just as the consolation of this resolve dawned upon his mind and he was turning away for the cellar to follow the goblins into their hole, something touched his hand.It was the slightest touch, and when he looked he could see nothing.Feeling and peering about in the grey of the dawn, his fingers came upon a tight thread.He looked again, and narrowly, but still could see nothing.It flashed upon him that this must be the princess's thread.Without saying a word, for he knew no one would believe him any more than he had believed the princess, he followed the thread with his finger, contrived to give Lootie the slip, and was soon out of the house and on the mountainside - surprised that, if the thread were indeed the grandmother's messenger, it should have led the princess, as he supposed it must, into the mountain, where she would be certain to meet the goblins rushing back enraged from their defeat.But he hurried on in the hope of overtaking her first.When he arrived, however, at the place where the path turned off for the mine, he found that the thread did not turn with it, but went straight up the mountain.Could it be that the thread was leading him home to his mother's cottage? Could the princess be there? He bounded up the mountain like one of its own goats, and before the sun was up the thread had brought him indeed to his mother's door.There it vanished from his fingers, and he could not find it, search as he might.

The door was on the latch, and he entered.There sat his mother by the fire, and in her arms lay the princess, fast asleep.

'Hush, Curdie!' said his mother.'Do not wake her.I'm so glad you're come! I thought the cobs must have got you again!'

With a heart full of delight, Curdie sat down at a corner of the hearth, on a stool opposite his mother's chair, and gazed at the princess, who slept as peacefully as if she had been in her own bed.All at once she opened her eyes and fixed them on him.

'Oh, Curdie! you're come!' she said quietly.'I thought you would!'

Curdie rose and stood before her with downcast eyes.

'Irene,' he said, 'I am very sorry I did not believe you.'

'Oh, never mind, Curdie!' answered the princess.'You couldn't, you know.You do believe me now, don't you?'

'I can't help it now.I ought to have helped it before.'

'Why can't you help it now?'

'Because, just as I was going into the mountain to look for you, Igot hold of your thread, and it brought me here.'

'Then you've come from my house, have you?'

'Yes, I have.'

'I didn't know you were there.'

'I've been there two or three days, I believe.'

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  • 萌宝来袭——你爱我吗


  • 异界召唤大宗师


  • 染指天下


  • 腹黑男神在我这


  • 旧城旧爱


  • 1号罪案


  • 楼兰迷踪2


    《楼兰迷踪》是铁血派悬疑小说开山之作,是一部融抗战、探险、考古玉一体的小说!一部解密楼兰古城的抗鼎之作!抗日战争时期,一股日军不远万里潜入楼兰地区,阴谋掠夺我国文物,并进行细菌实验。国共双方得到情报后 ,共同组建了一直特遣队,护送中美联合考古队进入该地区,进行抢救发掘;同时进入特遣队的还有美国记者邦妮、中统特工方雁云,以及日军安插的间谍,他们各自抱着不同的目的,共同走向大漠深处…… 一本用契丹文书写的《黄帝内经》牵扯出一段怎样的帝王情史?是谁阻断了十字军东征的步伐?成吉思汗的宝藏埋在哪里?古楼兰的酷蛮部落经历了怎样的变迁……
  • 武世奇才


  • 我的哆啦B梦

