

Nor did Oliver's time hang heavy on his hands, although the young lady had not yet left her chamber, and there were no evening walks, save now and then, for a short distance, with Mrs. Maylie.

He applied himself, with redoubled assiduity, to the instructions of the white-headed old gentleman, and laboured so hard that his quick progress surprised even himself. It was while he was engaged in this pursuit, that he was greatly startled and distressed by a most unexpected occurence.

The little room in which he was accustomed to sit, when busy at his books, was on the ground-floor, at the back of the house. It was quite a cottage-room, with a lattice-window: around which were clusters of jessamine and honeysuckle, that crept over the casement, and filled the place with their delicious perfume. It looked into a garden, whence a wicket-gate opened into a small paddock; all beyond, was fine meadow-land and wood. There was no other dwelling near, in that direction; and the prospect it commanded was very extensive.

One beautiful evening, when the first shades of twilight were beginning to settle upon the earth, Oliver sat at this window, intent upon his books. He had been poring over them for some time; and, as the day had been uncommonly sultry, and he had exerted himself a great deal, it it no disparagement to the authors, whoever they may have been, to say, that gradually and by slow degrees, he fell asleep.

There is a kind of sleep that steals upon us sometimes, which, while it holds the body prisoner, does not free the mind from a sense of things about it, and enable it to ramble at its pleasure. So far as an overpowering heaviness, a prostration of strength, and an utter inability to control our thoughts or power of motion, can be called sleep, this is it; and yet, we have a consciousness of all that is going on about us, and, if we dream at such a time, words which are really spoken, or sounds which really exist at the moment, accommodate themselves with surprising readiness to our visions, until reality and imagination become so strangely blended that it is afterwards almost matter of impossibility to separate the two. Nor is this, the most striking phenomenon indcidental to such a state. It is an undoubted fact, that although our senses of touch and sight be for the time dead, yet our sleeping thoughts, and the visionary scenes that pass before us, will be influenced and materially influenced, by the MERE SILENT PRESENCE of some external object;which may not have been near us when we closed our eyes: and of whose vicinity we have had no waking consciousness.

Oliver knew, perfectly well, that he was in his own little room;that his books were lying on the table before him; that the sweet air was stirring among the creeping plants outside. And yet he was asleep. Suddenly, the scene changed; the air became close and confined; and he thought, with a glow of terror, that he was in the Jew's house again. There sat the hideous old man, in his accustomed corner, pointing at him, and whispering to another man, with his face averted, who sat beside him.

'Hush, my dear!' he thought he heard the Jew say; 'it is he, sure enough. Come away.'

'He!' the other man seemed to answer; 'could I mistake him, think you? If a crowd of ghosts were to put themselves into his exact shape, and he stood amongst them, there is something that would tell me how to point him out. If you buried him fifty feet deep, and took me across his grave, I fancy I should know, if there wasn't a mark above it, that he lay buried there?'

The man seemed to say this, with such dreadful hatred, that Oliver awoke with the fear, and started up.

Good Heaven! what was that, which sent the blood tingling to his heart, and deprived him of his voice, and of power to move!

There--there--at the window--close before him--so close, that he could have almost touched him before he started back: with his eyes peering into the room, and meeting his: there stood the Jew! And beside him, white with rage or fear, or both, were the scowling features of the man who had accosted him in the inn-yard.

It was but an instant, a glance, a flash, before his eyes; and they were gone. But they had recognised him, and he them; and their look was as firmly impressed upon his memory, as if it had been deeply carved in stone, and set before him from his birth.

He stood transfixed for a moment; then, leaping from the window into the garden, called loudly for help.

  • 王艮尺牍


  • 虚堂和尚语录


  • He Fell In Love With His Wife

    He Fell In Love With His Wife

  • 吾吾类稿


  • 归戒要集


  • 中华百年百篇经典散文


    煮海为盐、披沙拣金,本书遴选的20世纪近百位顶尖作家的100篇散文精品,每一篇都堪称令人神醉的美文。那“析义理于精微之蕴,炼字句于毫发之间”的佳作,在一定程度上反映了20世纪中华散文创作的实绩,代表一个时代的水平。 为了编选出真正传代的美文,为了使中华百年百篇“经典”散文名实相副,我们坚持自己的操守和良知。不选违心之作,趋炎附势、诘屈聱牙、故弄玄虚、孤芳自赏、无病呻吟的作品,在这本书中绝见不到踪影。增删五次,反复推敲之后,读者见到的是一个“唯美、唯趣、唯真”的中华百年散文选本。
  • 追你千年之后


  • 凡人压力大


  • 兽语,暗黑天引


  • 梦魇之云舞


  • 鬼徒行者


  • 萌宝来袭:萌娃游世界


  • 绝望黎明之妖月现世


  • 观我生(布谷鸟原创小说系列)


    鲍贝编著的《观我生》是一部描写孤独、轮回和自我救赎的小说。“我”摆脱不了一只反复出现的梦境,为了寻找失去的那一段记忆,踏上一段自我寻找与自我发现的旅途。“我”从杭州出发,途经拉萨、 尼泊尔,最终到达不丹。在途中,邂逅藏传佛教徒,他和他的几个朋友到底犯下了什么不可饶恕之罪,要 历尽千辛万苦跑到不丹去圆寂和自尽?《观我生》围绕这个线索展开。
  • 缘在相恋前

