

--If you fail Honour here, Never presume to serve her any more;Bid farewell to the integrity of armes;And the honourable name of soldier Fall from you, like a shivered wreath of laurel By thunder struck from a desertlesse forehead.

A Faire Quarrell.

Early the next morning, a gentleman came to wait upon Mr.Lovel, who was up and ready to receive him.He was a military gentleman, a friend of Captain M`Intyre's, at present in Fairport on the recruiting service.Lovel and he were slightly known to each other.``I presume, sir,'' said Mr.Lesley (such was the name of the visitor), ``that you guess the occasion of my troubling you so early?''

``A message from Captain M`Intyre, I presume?''

``The same.He holds himself injured by the manner in which you declined yesterday to answer certain inquiries which he conceived himself entitled to make respecting a gentleman whom he found in intimate society with his family.''

``May I ask, if you, Mr.Lesley, would have inclined to satisfy interrogatories so haughtily and unceremoniously put to you?''

``Perhaps not;--and therefore, as I know the warmth of my friend M`Intyre on such occasions, I feel very desirous of acting as peacemaker.From Mr.Lovel's very gentleman-like manners, every one must strongly wish to see him repel all that sort of dubious calumny which will attach itself to one whose situation is not fully explained.If he will permit me, in friendly conciliation, to inform Captain M`Intyre of his real name, for we are led to conclude that of Lovel is assumed''--``I beg your pardon, sir, but I cannot admit that inference.''

``--Or at least,'' said Lesley, proceeding, ``that it is not the name by which Mr.Lovel has been at all times distinguished--if Mr.Lovel will have the goodness to explain this circumstance, which, in my opinion, he should do in justice to his own character, I will answer for the amicable arrangement of this unpleasant business.''

``Which is to say, Mr.Lesley, that if I condescend to answer questions which no man has a right to ask, and which are now put to me under penalty of Captain M`Intyre's resentment, Captain M`Intyre will condescend to rest satisfied? Mr.Lesley, I have just one word to say on this subject--I have no doubt my secret, if I had one, might be safely entrusted to your honour, but I do not feel called upon to satisfy the curiosity of any one.Captain M`Intyre met me in society which of itself was a warrant to all the world, and particularly ought to be such to him, that I was a gentleman.He has, in my opinion, no right to go any further, or to inquire the pedigree, rank, or circumstances, of a stranger, who, without seeking any intimate connection with him, or his, chances to dine with his uncle, or walk in company with his sister.''

``In that case, Captain M`Intyre requests you to be informed, that your farther visits at Monkbarns, and all connection with Miss M`Intyre, must be dropt, as disagreeable to him.''

``I shall certainly,'' said Lovel, ``visit Mr.Oldbuck when it suits me, without paying the least respect to his nephew's threats or irritable feelings.I respect the young lady's name too much (though nothing can be slighter than our acquaintance) to introduce it into such a discussion.''

``Since that is your resolution, sir,'' answered Lesley, ``Captain M`Intyre requests that Mr.Lovel, unless he wishes to be announced as a very dubious character, will favour him with a meeting this evening, at seven, at the thorn-tree in the little valley close by the ruins of St.Ruth.''

``Most unquestionably, I will wait upon him.There is only one difficulty--I must find a friend to accompany me, and where to seek one on this short notice, as I have no acquaintance in Fairport--I will be on the spot, however--Captain M`Intyre may be assured of that.''

Lesley had taken his hat, and was as far as the door of the apartment, when, as if moved by the peculiarity of Lovel's situation, he returned, and thus addressed him: ``Mr.Lovel, there is something so singular in all this, that I cannot help again resuming the argument.You must be yourself aware at this moment of the inconvenience of your preserving an incognito, for which, I am convinced, there can be no dishonourable reason.Still, this mystery renders it difficult for you to procure the assistance of a friend in a crisis so delicate--nay, let me add, that many persons will even consider it as a piece of Quixotry in M`Intyre to give you a meeting, while your character and circumstances are involved in such obscurity.''

``I understand your innuendo, Mr.Lesley,'' rejoined Lovel;and though I might be offended at its severity, I am not so, because it is meant kindly.But, in my opinion, he is entitled to all the privileges of a gentleman, to whose charge, during the time he has been known in the society where he happens to move, nothing can be laid that is unhandsome or unbecoming.

For a friend, I dare say I shall find some one or other who will do me that good turn; and if his experience be less than I could wish, I am certain not to suffer through that circumstance when you are in the field for my antagonist.''

``I trust you will not,'' said Lesley; ``but as I must, for my own sake, be anxious to divide so heavy a responsibility with a capable assistant, allow me to say, that Lieutenant Taffril's gun-brig is come into the roadstead, and he himself is now at old Caxon's, where he lodges.I think you have the same degree of acquaintance with him as with me, and, as I am sure Ishould willingly have rendered you such a service were I not engaged on the other side, I am convinced he will do so at your first request.''

``At the thorn-tree, then, Mr.Lesley, at seven this evening--the arms, I presume, are pistols?''

``Exactly.M`Intyre has chosen the hour at which he can best escape from Monkbarns--he was with me this morning by five, in order to return and present himself before his uncle was up.Good-morning to you, Mr.Lovel.'' And Lesley left the apartment.

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