
第3章 PREFACE(3)

``Item, to Mr.Peter Young, Elimosinar, twentie four gownis of blew clayth, to be gevin to xxiiij auld men, according to the yeiris of his hienes age, extending to viii <xx> viii elnis clayth; price of the elne xxiiij _s._Inde, ij _c_ j _li._ xij _s._``Item, for sextene elnis bukrum to the saidis gownis, price of the elne x _s._Inde, viij _li._``Item, twentie four pursis, and in ilk purse twentie four schelling Inde, xxciij _li._ xvj _s._``Item, the price of ilk purse iiij _d._ Inde, viij _s._``Item, for making of the saidis gownisviij _li._''

In the Account of John, Earl of Mar, Great Treasurer of Scotland, and of Sir Gideon Murray of Enbank, Treasurer-Depute, the Bue-Gowns also appear thus:--``Junij 1617.

``Item, to James Murray, merchant, for fyftene scoir sex elnis and aine half elne of blew claith to be gownis to fyftie ane aigeit men, according to the yeiris of his Majesteis age, at xl _s._the elne Inde, vj _c_ xiij _li._``Item, to workmen for careing the blewis to James Aikman, tailyeour, his hous xiij _s._ iiij _d._``Item, for sex elnis and ane half of harden to the saidis gownis, at vj _s._ viij _d._ the elne Inde, xliij _s._ iiij _d._``Item, to the said workmen for careing of the gownis fra the said James Aikman's hous to the palace of Halyrudehous xviij _s._``Item, for making the saidis fyftie ane gownis, at xij _s._ the peice Inde, xxx _li._ xij _s._``Item, for fyftie ane pursis to the said puire men lj _s._``Item, to Sir Peter Young, li _s._ to be put in everie ane of the saidis lj pursis to the said poore men j _c_ xxx l jj _s._``Item, to the said Sir Peter, to buy breid and drink to the said puir menvj _li._ xiij _s._ iiij _d._``Item, to the said Sir Peter, to be delt amang uther puire folk j _c_ li.

``Item, upoun the last day of Junii to Doctor Young, Deane of Winchester, Elimozinar Deput to his Majestic, twentie fyve pund sterling, to be gevin to the puir be the way in his Majesteis progress Inde, iij _c li._''

I have only to add, that although the institution of King's Bedesmen still subsists, they are now seldom to be seen on the streets of Edinburgh, of which their peculiar dress made them rather a characteristic feature.

Having thus given an account of the genus and species to which Edie Ochiltree appertains, the author may add, that the individual he had in his eye was Andrew Gemmells, an old mendicant of the character described, who was many years since well known, and must still be remembered, in the vales of Gala, Tweed, Ettrick, Yarrow, and the adjoining country.

The author has in his youth repeatedly seen and conversed with Andrew, but cannot recollect whether he held the rank of Blue-Gown.

He was a remarkably fine old figure, very tall, and maintaining a soldierlike or military manner and address.His features were intelligent, with a powerful expression of sarcasm.

His motions were always so graceful, that he might almost have been suspected of having studied them; for he might, on any occasion, have, served as a model for an artist, so remarkably striking were his ordinary attitudes.Andrew Gemmells had little of the cant of his calling; his wants were food and shelter, or a trifle of money, which he always claimed, and seemed to receive as his due.He, sung a good song, told a good story, and could crack a severe jest with all the acumen of Shakespeare's jesters, though without using, like them, the cloak of insanity.It was some fear of Andrew's satire, as much as a feeling of kindness or charity, which secured him the general good reception which he enjoyed everywhere.In fact, a jest of Andrew Gemmells, especially at the expense of a person of consequence, flew round the circle which he frequented, as surely as the bon-mot of a man of established character for wit glides through the fashionable world, Many of his good things are held in remembrance, but are generally too local and personal to be introduced here.

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