

Massachusetts embodied in her state constitution in 1780 the words, "All men are born free and equal," and the courts ruled that these words in the state constitution had the effect of liberating the slaves and of giving to them the same rights as other citizens.This is a perfectly logical application of the doctrine of the Revolution.

The African slave-trade, however, developed earlier than the doctrine of the Declaration of Independence.Negro slavery had long been an established institution in all the American colonies.Opposition to the slave-trade and to slavery was an integral part of the evolution of the doctrine of equal rights.

As the colonists contended for their own freedom, they became anti-slavery in sentiment.A standard complaint against British rule was the continued imposition of the slave-trade upon the colonists against their oft-repeated protest.

In the original draft of the Declaration of Independence, there appeared the following charges against the King of Great Britain:

"He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain.Determined to keep open a market where men should be bought and sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce."Though this clause was omitted from the document as finally adopted, the evidence is abundant that the language expressed the prevailing sentiment of the country.To the believer in liberty and equality, slavery and the slave-trade are instances of war against human nature.No one attempted to justify slavery or to reconcile it with the principles of free government.Slavery was accepted as an inheritance for which others were to blame.

Colonists at first blamed Great Britain; later apologists for slavery blamed New England for her share in the continuance of the slave-trade.

The fact should be clearly comprehended that the sentiments which led to the American Revolution, and later to the French Revolution in Europe, were as broad in their application as the human race itself--that there were no limitations nor exceptions.

These new principles involved a complete revolution in the previously recognized principles of government.The French sought to make a master-stroke at immediate achievement and they incurred counterrevolutions and delays.The Americans moved in a more moderate and tentative manner towards the great achievement, but with them also a counter-revolution finally appeared in the rise of an influential class who, by openly defending slavery, repudiated the principles upon which the government was founded.

At first the impression was general, in the South as well as in the North, that slavery was a temporary institution.The cause of emancipation was already advocated by the Society of Friends and some other sects.A majority of the States adopted measures for the gradual abolition of slavery, but in other cases there proved to be industrial barriers to emancipation.Slaves were found to be profitably employed in clearing away the forests; they were not profitably employed in general agriculture.A marked exception was found in small districts in the Carolinas and Georgia where indigo and rice were produced; and though cotton later became a profitable crop for slave labor, it was the producers of rice and indigo who furnished the original barrier to the immediate extension of the policy of emancipation.

Representatives from their States secured the introduction of a clause into the Constitution which delayed for twenty years the execution of the will of the country against the African slave-trade.It is said that a slave imported from Africa paid for himself in a single year in the production of rice.There were thus a few planters in Georgia and the Carolinas who had an obvious interest in the prolongation of the institution of slavery and who had influence enough, to secure constitutional recognition for both slavery and the slave-trade.

The principles involved were not seriously debated.In theory all were abolitionists; in practice slavery extended to all the States.In some, actual abolition was comparatively easy; in others, it was difficult.By the end of the first quarter of the nineteenth century, actual abolition had extended to the line separating Pennsylvania from Maryland.Of the original thirteen States seven became free and six remained slave.

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