FOR the understanding of power ecclesiastical,what and in whom it is,we are to distinguish the time from the ascension of our Saviour into two parts;one before the conversion of kings and men endued with sovereign civil power;the other after their conversion.For it was long after the ascension before any king or civil sovereign embraced and publicly allowed the teaching of Christian religion.
And for the time between,it is manifest that the power ecclesiastical was in the Apostles;and after them in such as were by them ordained to preach the gospel,and to convert men to Christianity;and to direct them that were converted in the way of salvation;and after these the power was delivered again to others by these ordained,and this was done by imposition of hands upon such as were ordained;by which was signified the giving of the Holy Spirit,or Spirit of God,to those whom they ordained ministers of God,to advance His kingdom.So that imposition of hands was nothing else but the seal of their commission to preach Christ and teach his doctrine;and the giving of the Holy Ghost by that ceremony of imposition of hands was an imitation of that which Moses did.For Moses used the same ceremony to his minister Joshua,as we read,Deuteronomy,34.9,"And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom;for Moses had laid his hands upon him."Our Saviour therefore between his resurrection and ascension gave his spirit to the Apostles;first,by breathing on them,and saying,"Receive ye the Holy Spirit";and after his ascension by sending down upon them a "mighty wind,and cloven tongues of fire";and not by imposition of hands;as neither did God lay His hands on Moses:and his Apostles afterward transmitted the same spirit by imposition of hands,as Moses did to Joshua.So that it is manifest hereby in whom the power ecclesiastical continually remained in those first times where there was not any Christian Commonwealth;namely,in them that received the same from the Apostles,by successive laying on of hands.