

'A gentleman who introduced his brother to Dr.Johnson was earnest to recommend him to the Doctor's notice,which he did by saying,"When we have sat together some time,you'll find my brother grow very entertaining."--"Sir,(said Johnson,)I can wait."'

'In the latter part of his life,in order to satisfy himself whether his mental faculties were impaired,he resolved that he would try to learn a new language,and fixed upon the Low Dutch,for that purpose,and this he continued till he had read about one half of Thomas a Kempis;and finding that there appeared no abatement of his power of acquisition,he then desisted,as thinking the experiment had been duly tried.'

'Mr.Langton and he having gone to see a Freemason's funeral procession,when they were at Rochester,and some solemn musick being played on French horns,he said,"This is the first time that I have ever been affected by musical sounds;"adding,"that the impression made upon him was of a melancholy kind."Mr.Langton saying,that this effect was a fine one,--JOHNSON."Yes,if it softens the mind,so as to prepare it for the reception of salutary feelings,it may be good:but inasmuch as it is melancholy per se,it is bad."'

'Goldsmith had long a visionary project,that some time or other when his circumstances should be easier,he would go to Aleppo,in order to acquire a knowledge as far as might be of any arts peculiar to the East,and introduce them into Britain.When this was talked of in Dr.Johnson's company,he said,"Of all men Goldsmith is the most unfit to go out upon such an inquiry;for he is utterly ignorant of such arts as we already possess,and consequently could not know what would be accessions to our present stock of mechanical knowledge.Sir,he would bring home a grinding barrow,which you see in every street in London,and think that he had furnished a wonderful improvement."'

'Greek,Sir,(said he,)is like lace;every man gets as much of it as he can.'

'Johnson one day gave high praise to Dr.Bentley's verses in Dodsley's Collection,which he recited with his usual energy.Dr.

Adam Smith,who was present,observed in his decisive professorial manner,"Very well--Very well."Johnson however added,"Yes,they ARE very well,Sir;but you may observe in what manner they are well.They are the forcible verses of a man of a strong mind,but not accustomed to write verse;for there is some uncouthness in the expression."'

'Drinking tea one day at Garrick's with Mr.Langton,he was questioned if he was not somewhat of a heretick as to Shakspeare;said Garrick,"I doubt he is a little of an infidel."--"Sir,(said Johnson,)I will stand by the lines I have written on Shakspeare in my Prologue at the opening of your Theatre."Mr.Langton suggested,that in the line "And panting Time toil'd after him in vain,"Johnson might have had in his eye the passage in The Tempest,where Prospero says of Miranda,"-----She will outstrip all praise,And make it halt behind her."Johnson said nothing.Garrick then ventured to observe,"I do not think that the happiest line in the praise of Shakspeare."Johnson exclaimed (smiling,)"Prosaical rogues!next time I write,I'll make both time and space pant."'

'It is well known that there was formerly a rude custom for those who were sailing upon the Thames,to accost each other as they passed,in the most abusive language they could invent,generally,however,with as much satirical humour as they were capable of producing.Addison gives a specimen of this ribaldry,in Number 383of The Spectator,when Sir Roger de Coverly and he are going to Spring-garden.Johnson was once eminently successful in this species of contest;a fellow having attacked him with some coarse raillery,Johnson answered him thus,"Sir,your wife,under pretence of keeping a bawdy-house,is a receiver of stolen goods."One evening when he and Mr.Burke and Mr.Langton were in company together,and the admirable scolding of Timon of Athens was mentioned,this instance of Johnson's was quoted,and thought to have at least equal excellence.'

'As Johnson always allowed the extraordinary talents of Mr.Burke,so Mr.Burke was fully sensible of the wonderful powers of Johnson.

Mr.Langton recollects having passed an evening with both of them,when Mr.Burke repeatedly entered upon topicks which it was evident he would have illustrated with extensive knowledge and richness of expression;but Johnson always seized upon the conversation,in which,however,he acquitted himself in a most masterly manner.As Mr.Burke and Mr.Langton were walking home,Mr.Burke observed that Johnson had been very great that night;Mr.Langton joined in this,but added,he could have wished to hear more from another person;(plainly intimating that he meant Mr.Burke.)"O,no (said Mr.Burke,)it is enough for me to have rung the bell to him."'

'Beauclerk having observed to him of one of their friends,that he was aukward at counting money,"Why,Sir,(said Johnson,)I am likewise aukward at counting money.But then,Sir,the reason is plain;I have had very little money to count."'

'Goldsmith,upon being visited by Johnson one day in the Temple,said to him with a little jealousy of the appearance of his accommodation,"I shall soon be in better chambers than these."Johnson at the same time checked him and paid him a handsome compliment,implying that a man of his talents should be above attention to such distinctions,--"Nay,Sir,never mind that.Nil te quaesiveris extra."'

'When Mr.Vesey was proposed as a member of The LITERARY CLUB,Mr.

Burke began by saying that he was a man of gentle manners."Sir,(said Johnson,)you need say no more.When you have said a man of gentle manners;you have said enough."'

'The late Mr.Fitzherbert told Mr.Langton that Johnson said to him,"Sir,a man has no more right to SAY an uncivil thing,than to ACT one;no more right to say a rude thing to another than to knock him down"'

  • 烟雨夜朦胧


  • 零男爵


  • 重生嫡妃遮天


  • 教授威武,小妻入豪门


  • 狂枭血拟


  • 次元战记


  • 雷云变幻


  • 冠宠皇后:绝魅外交官


  • 天使VS恶魔的情人


    她是众人眼中的恶魔,他是众人眼中的天使,可是只有她知道,谁才是真正的恶魔!天使的面具蒙骗了众人. 。一定要撕下他的天使假面具,可是,现在是什么情况。为了她而回来,什么意思啊!不懂呢?在美国念念不忘的人,让他决定丢下一切回来找她,可是她却已经忘了他,这怎么可以。既然她想玩,好啊,那就陪她玩玩吧! 可是,到底还是他的错,让她负伤离开。再见面时已经是五年后了,五年后的一切还会如初吗?这次是不是就可以幸福的在一起了!爱情的世界,两个人刚刚好,可是太多人掺与的爱情,注定不会有好的结局!赵灵依一个快乐而聪明的狡黠女孩,喜欢多管闲事,喜欢恶整人,智商180的她,是个漂亮而善良的小女生,却因为自己的恶整同学在剀汐高中由天使变成恶魔,魔鬼的脸蛋,魔鬼的身材,魔鬼的心肠。尹轩,赵灵依的双胞胎哥哥,早几分钟出生,却比赵灵依高出很多,是个恋妹严重的人,过度的保护欲,让赵灵依威胁利诱不许让别人知道他们是兄妹。爱妹如他,又怎会不答应,外号冰山王子。荆凤雅,赵灵依的好朋友兼死党,私生女。曾经她的世界只有黑暗,是她给她带来了阳光,一直保护自己的人。从没有想过,原来她也会那么脆弱的躺在病床上。心痛的滴血,暗下决定,以后换她来保护她。所以,她要变强,强到可以为她遮风挡雨,就像曾经的她。陈枫一个智商200的天才帅气男生,一次意外的咬人事件,让他念念不忘的小女生。美国的生活很好,可是缺了她,他的世界少了一片阳光,放弃一切回来,只为寻找那个让他牵挂十年的女孩。只是再见面时,她却已经忘了他,这怎么可以,他一定要重新追回她,陈枫,剀汐高中的天使王子,也是商场上以冷血的性情和果断的经商手法而闻名的“恶魔”。杰森,美国约翰家族的接班人,陈枫从小一起长大的对手兼死党。对于陈枫的突然离开,杰森好奇的跟在陈枫后面回了中国,顺便带了条小尾巴回来。第一次见到赵灵依,杰森的心突然沦陷了,这一刻他相信中国的那句一见钟情了。没想到的是,她居然是sky 的梦中情人,为了她,sky居然丢下一切回来找她。和sky的赌约只是一个气话,没说出口的是,早在他第一次见到依依时,就已经喜欢上了她。这次不管如何,他都不会放手的。帅气而阳光的杰森剀汐的阳光王子。
  • BTS抹茶味的郑号锡0218

