

So the head,still holding in its teeth the koromo that had been stripped from Kwairyo's shoulders,was put before the judges.The old man turned it round and round,carefully examined it,and discovered,on the nape of its neck,several strange red characters.He called the attention of his colleagues to these,and also bad them observe that the edges of the neck nowhere presented the appearance of having been cut by any weapon.On the contrary,the line of leverance was smooth as the line at which a falling leaf detaches itself from the stem...Then said the elder:--

"I am quite sure that the priest told us nothing but the truth.This is the head of a Rokuro-Kubi.In the book Nan-ho-i-butsu-shi it is written that certain red characters can always be found upon the nape of the neck of a real Rokuro-Kubi.There are the characters:you can see for yourselves that they have not been painted.Moreover,it is well known that such goblins have been dwelling in the mountains of the province of Kai from very ancient time...But you,Sir,"he exclaimed,turning to Kwairyo,--"what sort of sturdy priest may you be?Certainly you have given proof of a courage that few priests possess;and you have the air of a soldier rather than a priest.Perhaps you once belonged to the samurai-class?"

"You have guessed rightly,Sir,"Kwairyo responded."Before becoming a priest,I long followed the profession of arms;and in those days I never feared man or devil.My name then was Isogai Heidazaemon Taketsura of Kyushu:there may be some among you who remember it."

At the mention of that name,a murmur of admiration filled the court-room.;for there were many present who remembered it.And Kwairyo immediately found himself among friends instead of judges,--friends anxious to prove their admiration by fraternal kindness.With honor they escorted him to the residence of the daimyo,who welcomed him,and feasted him,and made him a handsome present before allowing him to depart.When Kwairyo left Suwa,he was as happy as any priest is permitted to be in this transitory world.As for the head,he took it with him,--jocosely insisting that he intended it for a miyage.

And now it only remains to tell what became of the head.

A day or two after leaving Suwa,Kwairyo met with a robber,who stopped him in a lonesome place,and bade him strip.Kwairyo at once removed his koromo,and offered it to the robber,who then first perceived what was hanging to the sleeve.Though brave,the highwayman was startled:he dropped the garment,and sprang back.Then he cried out:--"You!--what kind of a priest are you?Why,you are a worse man than I am!It is true that I have killed people;but I never walked about with anybody's head fastened to my sleeve...Well,Sir priest,I suppose we are of the same calling;and I must say that I admire you!...Now that head would be of use to me:I could frighten people with it.Will you sell it?You can have my robe in exchange for your koromo;and I will give you five ryo for the head."

Kwairyo answered:--

"I shall let you have the head and the robe if you insist;but I must tell you that this is not the head of a man.It is a goblin's head.So,if you buy it,and have any trouble in consequence,please to remember that you were not deceived by me."

"What a nice priest you are!"exclaimed the robber."You kill men,and jest about it!...But I am really in earnest.Here is my robe;and here is the money;--and let me have the head...What is the use of joking?"

"Take the thing,"said Kwairyo."I was not joking.The only joke --if there be any joke at all --is that you are fool enough to pay good money for a goblin's head."And Kwairyo,loudly laughing,went upon his way.

Thus the robber got the head and the koromo;and for some time he played goblin-priest upon the highways.But,reaching the neighborhood of Suwa,he there leaned the true story of the head;and he then became afraid that the spirit of the Rokuro-Kubi might give him trouble.So he made up his mind to take back the head to the place from which it had come,and to bury it with its body.He found his way to the lonely cottage in the mountains of Kai;but nobody was there,and he could not discover the body.Therefore he buried the head by itself,in the grove behind the cottage;and he had a tombstone set up over the grave;and he caused a Segaki-service to be performed on behalf of the spirit of the Rokuro-Kubi.And that tombstone --known as the Tombstone of the Rokuro-Kubi --may be seen (at least so the Japanese story-teller declares)even unto this day.

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