

Letters were written to Adolphe during all these eventful doings;and a letter came from him saying that he greatly valued Marie's love,but that as it had been clearly proved to him that their marriage would be neither for her advantage,nor for his,he was willing to give it up.He consented to her marriage with the capitaine,and expressed his gratitude to his mother for the pecuniary advantages which she had held out to him.Oh,Adolphe,Adolphe!But,alas,alas!is not such the way of most men's hearts--and of the hearts of some women?

This letter was read to Marie,but it had no more effect upon her than would have had some dry legal document.In those days and in those places men and women did not depend much upon letters;nor when they were written,was there expressed in them much of heart or of feeling.Marie would understand,as she was well aware,the glance of Adolphe's eye and the tone of Adolphe's voice;she would perceive at once from them what her lover really meant,what he wished,what in the innermost corner of his heart he really desired that she should do.But from that stiff constrained written document she could understand nothing.

It was agreed therefore that Adolphe should return,and that she would accept her fate from his mouth.The capitaine,who knew more of human nature than poor Marie,felt tolerably sure of his bride.

Adolphe,who had seen something of the world,would not care very much for the girl of his own valley.Money and pleasure,and some little position in the world,would soon wean him from his love;and then Marie would accept her destiny--as other girls in the same position had done since the French world began.

And now it was the evening before Adolphe's expected arrival.La Mere Bauche was discussing the matter with the capitaine over the usual cup of coffee.Madame Bauche had of late become rather nervous on the matter,thinking that they had been somewhat rash in acceding so much to Marie.It seemed to her that it was absolutely now left to the two young lovers to say whether or no they would have each other or not.Now nothing on earth could be further from Madame Bauche's intention than this.Her decree and resolve was to heap down blessings on all persons concerned--provided always that she could have her own way;but,provided she did not have her own way,to heap down,--anything but blessings.She had her code of morality in this matter.She would do good if possible to everybody around her.But she would not on any score be induced to consent that Adolphe should marry Marie Clavert.Should that be in the wind she would rid the house of Marie,of the capitaine,and even of Adolphe himself.

She had become therefore somewhat querulous,and self-opinionated in her discussions with her friend.

"I don't know,"she said on the evening in question;"I don't know.

It may be all right;but if Adolphe turns against me,what are we to do then?""Mere Bauche,"said the capitaine,sipping his coffee and puffing out the smoke of his cigar,"Adolphe will not turn against us."It had been somewhat remarked by many that the capitaine was more at home in the house,and somewhat freer in his manner of talking with Madame Bauche,since this matrimonial alliance had been on the tapis than he had ever been before.La Mere herself observed it,and did not quite like it;but how could she prevent it now?When the capitaine was once married she would make him know his place,in spite of all her promises to Marie.

"But if he says he likes the girl?"continued Madame Bauche.

"My friend,you may be sure that he will say nothing of the kind.He has not been away two years without seeing girls as pretty as Marie.

And then you have his letter."

"That is nothing,capitaine;he would eat his letter as quick as you would eat an omelet aux fines herbes."Now the capitaine was especially quick over an omelet aux fines herbes.

"And,Mere Bauche,you also have the purse;he will know that he cannot eat that,except with your good will.""Ah!"exclaimed Madame Bauche,"poor lad!He has not a sous in the world unless I give it to him."But it did not seem that this reflection was in itself displeasing to her.

"Adolphe will now be a man of the world,"continued the capitaine.

"He will know that it does not do to throw away everything for a pair of red lips.That is the folly of a boy,and Adolphe will be no longer a boy.Believe me,Mere Bauche,things will be right enough.""And then we shall have Marie sick and ill and half dying on our hands,"said Madame Bauche.

This was not flattering to the capitaine,and so he felt it.

"Perhaps so,perhaps not,"he said."But at any rate she will get over it.It is a malady which rarely kills young women--especially when another alliance awaits them.""Bah!"said Madame Bauche;and in saying that word she avenged herself for the too great liberty which the capitaine had lately taken.He shrugged his shoulders,took a pinch of snuff and uninvited helped himself to a teaspoonful of cognac.Then the conference ended,and on the next morning before breakfast Adolphe Bauche arrived.

On that morning poor Marie hardly knew how to bear herself.A month or two back,and even up to the last day or two,she had felt a sort of confidence that Adolphe would be true to her;but the nearer came that fatal day the less strong was the confidence of the poor girl.

She knew that those two long-headed,aged counsellors were plotting against her happiness,and she felt that she could hardly dare hope for success with such terrible foes opposed to her.On the evening before the day Madame Bauche had met her in the passages,and kissed her as she wished her good night.Marie knew little about sacrifices,but she felt that it was a sacrificial kiss.

  • 沉睡的僵尸


  • 马瑞芳趣话王熙凤


  • TFBOYS我只爱你


  • 美男三十六计


  • 卿卿来袭:太监夫君你别跑


  • 淋浊遗精门


  • 绝世倾城:倾天下


  • 代号:夜莺行动


  • 午后的镜子


  • 呵护不起的美好年华

