

"I must not counsel thee to pause, although thy fate is still in thee own hand!"Grasping at the veil, he flung it upward, and caught a glimpse of a pale, lovely face beneath; just one momentary glimpse, and then the apparition vanished, and the silvery veil fluttered slowly down and lay upon the floor.Theodore was alone.Our legend leaves him there.His retribution was, to pine forever and ever for another sight of that dim, mournful face,--which might have been his life-long household fireside joy,--to desire, and waste life in a feverish quest, and never meet it more.

But what, in good sooth, had become of the Veiled Lady? Had all her existence been comprehended within that mysterious veil, and was she now annihilated? Or was she a spirit, with a heavenly essence, but which might have been tamed down to human bliss, had Theodore been brave and true enough to claim her? Hearken, my sweet friends,--and hearken, dear Priscilla,--and you shall learn the little more that Zenobia can tell you.

Just at the moment, so far as can be ascertained, when the Veiled Lady vanished, a maiden, pale and shadowy, rose up amid a knot of visionary people, who were seeking for the better life.She was so gentle and so sad,--a nameless melancholy gave her such hold upon their sympathies, --that they never thought of questioning whence she came.She might have heretofore existed, or her thin substance might have been moulded out of air at the very instant when they first beheld her.It was all one to them; they took her to their hearts.Among them was a lady to whom, more than to all the rest, this pale, mysterious girl attached herself.

But one morning the lady was wandering in the woods, and there met her a figure in an Oriental robe, with a dark beard, and holding in his hand a silvery veil.He motioned her to stay.Being a woman of some nerve, she did not shriek, nor run away, nor faint, as many ladies would have been apt to do, but stood quietly, and bade him speak.The truth was, she had seen his face before, but had never feared it, although she knew him to be a terrible magician.

"Lady," said he, with a warning gesture, "you are in peril!" "Peril!"she exclaimed."And of what nature?"

"There is a certain maiden," replied the magician, "who has come out of the realm of mystery, and made herself your most intimate companion.Now, the fates have so ordained it, that, whether by her own will or no, this stranger is your deadliest enemy.In love, in worldly fortune, in all your pursuit of happiness, she is doomed to fling a blight over your prospects.There is but one possibility of thwarting her disastrous influence.""Then tell me that one method," said the lady.

"Take this veil," he answered, holding forth the silvery texture."It is a spell; it is a powerful enchantment, which I wrought for her sake, and beneath which she was once my prisoner.Throw it, at unawares, over the head of this secret foe, stamp your foot, and cry, 'Arise, Magician!

Here is the Veiled Lady!' and immediately I will rise up through the earth, and seize her; and from that moment you are safe!"So the lady took the silvery veil, which was like woven air, or like some substance airier than nothing, and that would float upward and be lost among the clouds, were she once to let it go.Returning homeward, she found the shadowy girl amid the knot of visionary transcendentalists, who were still seeking for the better life.She was joyous now, and had a rose-bloom in her cheeks, and was one of the prettiest creatures, and seemed one of the happiest, that the world could show.But the lady stole noiselessly behind her and threw the veil over her head.As the slight, ethereal texture sank inevitably down over her figure, the poor girl strove to raise it, and met her dear friend's eyes with one glance of mortal terror, and deep, deep reproach.It could not change her purpose.

"Arise, Magician!" she exclaimed, stamping her foot upon the earth.

"Here is the Veiled Lady!"

At the word, up rose the bearded man in the Oriental robes,--the beautiful, the dark magician, who had bartered away his soul! He threw his arms around the Veiled Lady, and she was his bond-slave for evermore!

Zenobia, all this while, had been holding the piece of gauze, and so managed it as greatly to increase the dramatic effect of the legend at those points where the magic veil was to be described.Arriving at the catastrophe, and uttering the fatal words, she flung the gauze over Priscilla's head; and for an instant her auditors held their breath, half expecting, I verily believe, that the magician would start up through the floor, and carry off our poor little friend before our eyes.

As for Priscilla, she stood droopingly in the midst of us, making no attempt to remove the veil.

"How do you find yourself, my love?" said Zenobia, lifting a corner of the gauze, and peeping beneath it with a mischievous smile."Ah, the dear little soul! Why, she is really going to faint! Mr.Coverdale, Mr.

Coverdale, pray bring a glass of water!"

Her nerves being none of the strongest, Priscilla hardly recovered her equanimity during the rest of the evening.This, to be sure, was a great pity; but, nevertheless, we thought it a very bright idea of Zenobia's to bring her legend to so effective a conclusion.

  • 孕婴科学养生滋补食谱


    中华传统医学和饮食文化皆有“养生之道,莫先于食”、药食同源的说法,这是炎黄子孙五千年来的智慧结晶。在历代宫廷养生中,“食养”的地位,堪称重中之重。饮食养生在我国历史悠久,自古就有“药食同源”和“药补不如食补”的说法。今天,简便有效的饮食养生越来越受到人们的青睐。 孕妇合理的营养配置是确保优生优育的关键。正确的营养搭配不但能够保证母体的健康,还能增强胎儿的体格及脑细胞发育,然而,即使人们已经开始意识到这个问题的重要性,却并不是每个家庭都十分清楚该如何去给孕妇搭配营养,而由此产生的对孕妇及胎儿十分不利的病症则随之而来。所以向每个孕妇家庭推广有关知识是至关重要的。
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