

"Ach, Hilda, leedle girl," he cried, "hold tight bei der shdrap on.Hey MULE! Hoop! Gedt oop, you."Annixter cantered on.In a few moments, he had crossed Broderson Creek and had entered upon the Home ranch of Los Muertos.Ahead of him, but so far off that the greater portion of its bulk was below the horizon, he could see the Derricks' home, a roof or two between the dull green of cypress and eucalyptus.Nothing else was in sight.The brown earth, smooth, unbroken, was as a limitless, mud-coloured ocean.The silence was profound.

Then, at length, Annixter's searching eye made out a blur on the horizon to the northward; the blur concentrated itself to a speck; the speck grew by steady degrees to a spot, slowly moving, a note of dull colour, barely darker than the land, but an inky black silhouette as it topped a low rise of ground and stood for a moment outlined against the pale blue of the sky.Annixter turned his horse from the road and rode across the ranch land to meet this new object of interest.As the spot grew larger, it resolved itself into constituents, a collection of units; its shape grew irregular, fragmentary.A disintegrated, nebulous confusion advanced toward Annixter, preceded, as he discovered on nearer approach, by a medley of faint sounds.Now it was no longer a spot, but a column, a column that moved, accompanied by spots.As Annixter lessened the distance, these spots resolved themselves into buggies or men on horseback that kept pace with the advancing column.There were horses in the column itself.

At first glance, it appeared as if there were nothing else, a riderless squadron tramping steadily over the upturned plough land of the ranch.But it drew nearer.The horses were in lines, six abreast, harnessed to machines.The noise increased, defined itself.There was a shout or two; occasionally a horse blew through his nostrils with a prolonged, vibrating snort.The click and clink of metal work was incessant, the machines throwing off a continual rattle of wheels and cogs and clashing springs.The column approached nearer; was close at hand.The noises mingled to a subdued uproar, a bewildering confusion; the impact of innumerable hoofs was a veritable rumble.Machine after machine appeared; and Annixter, drawing to one side, remained for nearly ten minutes watching and interested, while, like an array of chariots--clattering, jostling, creaking, clashing, an interminable procession, machine succeeding machine, six-horse team succeeding six-horse team--bustling, hurried--Magnus Derrick's thirty-three grain drills, each with its eight hoes, went clamouring past, like an advance of military, seeding the ten thousand acres of the great ranch; fecundating the living soil; implanting deep in the dark womb of the Earth the germ of life, the sustenance of a whole world, the food of an entire People.

When the drills had passed, Annixter turned and rode back to the Lower Road, over the land now thick with seed.He did not wonder that the seeding on Los Muertos seemed to be hastily conducted.

Magnus and Harran Derrick had not yet been able to make up the time lost at the beginning of the season, when they had waited so long for the ploughs to arrive.They had been behindhand all the time.On Annixter's ranch, the land had not only been harrowed, as well as seeded, but in some cases, cross-harrowed as well.

The labour of putting in the vast crop was over.Now there was nothing to do but wait, while the seed silently germinated;nothing to do but watch for the wheat to come up.

When Annixter reached the ranch house of Los Muertos, under the shade of the cypress and eucalyptus trees, he found Mrs.Derrick on the porch, seated in a long wicker chair.She had been washing her hair, and the light brown locks that yet retained so much of their brightness, were carefully spread in the sun over the back of her chair.Annixter could not but remark that, spite of her more than fifty years, Annie Derrick was yet rather pretty.Her eyes were still those of a young girl, just touched with an uncertain expression of innocence and inquiry, but as her glance fell upon him, he found that that expression changed to one of uneasiness, of distrust, almost of aversion.

The night before this, after Magnus and his wife had gone to bed, they had lain awake for hours, staring up into the dark, talking, talking.Magnus had not long been able to keep from his wife the news of the coalition that was forming against the railroad, nor the fact that this coalition was determined to gain its ends by any means at its command.He had told her of Osterman's scheme of a fraudulent election to seat a Board of Railroad Commissioners, who should be nominees of the farming interests.

Magnus and his wife had talked this matter over and over again;and the same discussion, begun immediately after supper the evening before, had lasted till far into the night.

At once, Annie Derrick had been seized with a sudden terror lest Magnus, after all, should allow himself to be persuaded; should yield to the pressure that was every day growing stronger.None better than she knew the iron integrity of her husband's character.None better than she remembered how his dearest ambition, that of political preferment, had been thwarted by his refusal to truckle, to connive, to compromise with his ideas of right.Now, at last, there seemed to be a change.Long continued oppression, petty tyranny, injustice and extortion had driven him to exasperation.S.Behrman's insults still rankled.

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    The Secret Sharer

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    懒散近乎“随时随地找舒服”。以坐茶馆为喻罢,成才人坐茶馆,虽与重庆人的理由一样,然而他喜爱的则是矮矮的桌子,矮矮的竹椅——虽不一定是竹椅,总多关是竹椅变化出来,矮而有靠背,可以半躺半坐的坐具—— 地面不必十分干净,而桌面总可以邋遢点而不嫌打脏衣服,如此一下坐下来,身心泰然,所差者,只是长长一声感叹。本书从李劼人小说中分门别类,节录出有关成都文明发展的大量文字,如清末的叽咕车(鸡公车)到抗战时的木炭汽车,足以见出成都交通的一个侧面。所有这些变迁的实录,后人完全可以视为一代信史。 其中收入本书的《成都是一个古城》和《旧帐》,都是一九四九年后没有公开发表过的。
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