

A few words respecting Jean Jacques Rousseau--The comtesse du Barry is desirous of his acquaintance--The countess visits Jean Jacques Rousseau--His household furniture-- His portrait--Therese-- second visit from madame du Barry to Jean Jacques Rousseau--The countess relates her visit to the king--Billet from J. J. Rousseau to madame du Barry--The two duchesses d'AiguillonSpite of the little estimation in which I held men of letters, generally speaking, you must not take it for granted that Ientertained an equal indifference for all these gentlemen. Ihave already, I fear, tired your patience when dwelling upon my ardent admiration of M. de Voltaire; I have now to speak to you of that with which his illustrious rival, Jean Jacques Rousseau, inspired me--the man who, after a life so filled with constant trouble and misfortunes, died a few years since in so deplorable a manner. At the period of which I am now speaking this man, who had filled Europe with his fame, was living at Paris, in a state bordering upon indigence. I must here mention, that it was owing to my solicitation that he had been permitted to return from his exile, I having successfully interceded for him with the chancellor and the attorney-general. M. Seguier made no difficulty to my request, because he looked upon Jean Jacques Rousseau as the greatest enemy to a set of men whom he mortally hated--the philosophers. Neither did M. de Maupeou, from the moment he effected the overthrow of the parliament, see any objection to bestowing his protection upon a man whom the parliaments had exiled. In this manner, therefore, without his being aware of it, Rousseau owed to me the permission to re-enter Paris. Spite of the mortifying terms in which this celebrated writer had spoken of the king's mistresses, I had a lively curiosity to know him; all that his enemies repeated of his uncouthness, and even of his malicious nature, far from weakening the powerful interest with which he inspired me, rather augmented it, by strengthening the idea I had previously formed of his having been greatly calumniated. The generous vengeance which he had recently taken for the injuries he had received from Voltaire particularly charmed me. I thought only how Icould effect my design of seeing him by one means or another, and in this resolution I was confirmed by an accident which befell me one day.

Jean Jacques Rousseau in his journey through Lyons in June 1770 subscribed for the statue of Voltaire.--authorIt was the commencement of April, 1771, I was reading for the fourth time, the "<Nouvelle Heloise>,"and for the tenth, or, probably, twelfth, the account of the party on the lake, when the marechale de Mirepoix entered the room. I laid my open volume on the mantel-piece, and the marechale, glancing her eye upon the book I had just put down, smilingly begged my pardon for disturbing my grave studies, and taking it in her hand, exclaimed,"Ah! I see you have been perusing '<La Nouvelle Heloise>'; Ihave just been having more than an hour's conversation respecting its author.""What were you saying of him?" asked I.

"Why, my dear, I happened to be at the house of madame de Luxembourg, where I met with the comtesse de Boufflers.""Yes, I remember," said I, "the former of these ladies was the particular friend of Jean Jacques Rousseau.""And the second also," answered she; "and I can promise you, that neither the one or the other spoke too well of him.""Is it possible?" exclaimed I, with a warmth I could not repress.

"The duchess," resumed madame de Mirepoix, "says he is an ill-bred and ungrateful man, and the countess insists upon it he is a downright pedant."'Shameful, indeed," cried I; "but can you, my dear friend, account for the ill-nature with which these ladies speak of poor Rousseau?""Oh! Yes," replied the marechale, "their motives are easily explained, and I will tell you a little secret, for the truth of which I can vouch. Madame de Luxembourg had at one time conceived the most lively passion for Jean Jacques.""Indeed!" cried I; "and he--"

"Did not return it. As for madame de Bouffiers, the case was exactly reversed; and Rousseau has excited her resentment by daring long to nurse a hopeless flame, of which she was the object: this presumption on the part of the poet our dignified countess could never pardon. However, I entreat of you not to repeat this; remember, I tell you in strictest secrecy.""Oh, be assured of my discretion," said I; "I promise you not to publish your secret" (which, by the way, I was very certain was not communicated for the first time when told to me).

This confidence on the part of the marechale had, in some unaccountable manner, only increased the ardent desire I felt to see the author of the "<Nouvelle Heloise>"; and I observed to madame de Mirepoix, that I had a great curiosity to be introduced to Rousseau.

"I fear," said she, "you will never be able to persuade him to visit at the chateau.""How then can I accomplish my desire of seeing this celebrated man?""By one simple method; if he will not come to you, you must go to him. I would willingly accompany you, but he knows me, and my presence would spoil all. The best thing you can do is to dress yourself quite plainly, as a lady from the country, taking with you one of your female attendants. You may take as a pretext for your visit some music you would wish to have copied.

Be sure to treat M. de Rousseau as a mere copyist, and appear never to have heard of his superior merit: do this, and you will receive the best possible reception."I greatly approved of the marechale 's advice, which I assured her I would delay no longer than till the following day to put into practice; and, after some further conversation upon J. J. Rousseau, we parted.

Early the next day I set out for Paris accompanied by Henriette;there, in pursuance of the suggestion of madame de Mirepoix, Idressed myself as a person recently arrived from the country, and Henriette, who was to accompany me, disguised herself as a villager.

  • 武极魔尊


  • 歌姬异世养成路


  • 家中有影后


  • 禁界轮回


  • 最后一个风水阴阳术师


  • 青春流年不复逝


  • 神灸经纶


  • 黑暗迷校


  • 莫上花开:我爱你对我的爱


  • 成功法则全书

