

Excurse N EXT DAY Birkin sought Ursula out.It happened to be the half-day at the Grammar School.He appeared towards the end of the morning, and asked her, would she drive with him in the afternoon.

She consented.But her face was closed and unresponding, and his heart sank.

The afternoon was fine and dim.He was driving the motor-car, and she sat beside him.But still her face was closed against him, unresponding.

When she became like this, like a wall against him, his heart contracted.

His life now seemed so reduced, that he hardly cared any more.At moments it seemed to him he did not care a straw whether Ursula or Hermione or anybody else existed or did not exist.Why bother! Why strive for a coherent, satisfied life? Why not drift on in a series of accidents--like a picaresque novel? Why not? Why bother about human relationships? Why take them seriously--male or female? Why form any serious connections at all? Why not be casual, drifting along, taking all for what it was worth?

And yet, still, he was damned and doomed to the old effort at serious living.

`Look,' he said, `what I bought.' The car was running along a broad white road, between autumn trees.

He gave her a little bit of screwed-up paper.She took it and opened it.

`How lovely,' she cried.

She examined the gift.

`How perfectly lovely!' she cried again.`But why do you give them me?'

She put the question offensively.

His face flickered with bored irritation.He shrugged his shoulders slightly.

`I wanted to,' he said, coolly.

`But why? Why should you?'

`Am I called on to find reasons?' he asked.

There was a silence, whilst she examined the rings that had been screwed up in the paper.

`I think they are beautiful ,' she said, `especially this.This is wonderful--'

It was a round opal, red and fiery, set in a circle of tiny rubies.

`You like that best?' he said.

`I think I do.'

`I like the sapphire,' he said.


It was a rose-shaped, beautiful sapphire, with small brilliants.

`Yes,' she said, `it is lovely.' She held it in the light.`Yes, perhaps it is the best--'

`The blue--' he said.

`Yes, wonderful--'

He suddenly swung the car out of the way of a farm-cart.It tilted on the bank.He was a careless driver, yet very quick.But Ursula was frightened.

There was always that something regardless in him which terrified her.

She suddenly felt he might kill her, by making some dreadful accident with the motor-car.For a moment she was stony with fear.

`Isn't it rather dangerous, the way you drive?' she asked him.

`No, it isn't dangerous,' he said.And then, after a pause: `Don't you like the yellow ring at all?'

It was a squarish topaz set in a frame of steel, or some other similar mineral, finely wrought.

`Yes,' she said, `I do like it.But why did you buy these rings?'

`I wanted them.They are second-hand.'

`You bought them for yourself?'

`No.Rings look wrong on my hands.'

`Why did you buy them then?'

`I bought them to give to you.'

`But why? Surely you ought to give them to Hermione! You belong to her.'

He did not answer.She remained with the jewels shut in her hand.She wanted to try them on her fingers, but something in her would not let her.

And moreover, she was afraid her hands were too large, she shrank from the mortification of a failure to put them on any but her little finger.

They travelled in silence through the empty lanes.

Driving in a motor-car excited her, she forgot his presence even.

`Where are we?' she asked suddenly.

`Not far from Worksop.'

`And where are we going?'


It was the answer she liked.

She opened her hand to look at the rings.They gave her such pleasure, as they lay, the three circles, with their knotted jewels, entangled in her palm.She would have to try them on.She did so secretly, unwilling to let him see, so that he should not know her finger was too large for them.But he saw nevertheless.He always saw, if she wanted him not to.

It was another of his hateful, watchful characteristics.

Only the opal, with its thin wire loop, would go on her ring finger.

And she was superstitious.No, there was ill-portent enough, she would not accept this ring from him in pledge.

`Look,' she said, putting forward her hand, that was half-closed and shrinking.`The others don't fit me.'

He looked at the red-glinting, soft stone, on her over-sensitive skin.

`Yes,' he said.

`But opals are unlucky, aren't they?' she said wistfully.

`No.I prefer unlucky things.Luck is vulgar.Who wants what luck would bring? I don't.'

`But why?' she laughed.

And, consumed with a desire to see how the other rings would look on her hand, she put them on her little finger.

`They can be made a little bigger,' he said.

`Yes,' she replied, doubtfully.And she sighed.She knew that, in accepting the rings, she was accepting a pledge.Yet fate seemed more than herself.

She looked again at the jewels.They were very beautiful to her eyes--not as ornament, or wealth, but as tiny fragments of loveliness.

`I'm glad you bought them,' she said, putting her hand, half unwillingly, gently on his arm.

He smiled, slightly.He wanted her to come to him.But he was angry at the bottom of his soul, and indifferent.He knew she had a passion for him, really.But it was not finally interesting.There were depths of passion when one became impersonal and indifferent, unemotional.Whereas Ursula was still at the emotional personal level--always so abominably personal.

He had taken her as he had never been taken himself.He had taken her at the roots of her darkness and shame--like a demon, laughing over the fountain of mystic corruption which was one of the sources of her being, laughing, shrugging, accepting, accepting finally.As for her, when would she so much go beyond herself as to accept him at the quick of death?

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  • 不再当公主之公主与灰姑娘


    出生在同样拥有繁星闪烁的夜晚,一个是公主,一个却是平民。也许是命中注定了的吧!可是公主又如何,灰姑娘又怎么样!在友情面前,永不干涸的感情之泉源,深沉的心之默契,愉快的灵魂之交流,她们演绎平等、纯洁、真诚、关怀的友谊之爱。顾嘉星的旁系兄妹顾永恒和顾佳兴在第二个学期来到了她所就读的名扬学校,成为了她的同班同学。顾佳兴还口口声声地说是回来抢自己小姐姐顾嘉星的幸福的,她和顾嘉星之间到底有着什么情结?曾经在物理竞赛中打败姜宇光的Science King也来到了名扬学校,他又是抱着什么样的目的而来?顾嘉星是一个出生于豪门贵族,生活在上流文明高雅中西思想相结合的环境中,成长在幸福安逸美好的家境里的“小公主”。优越的生活成长环境,让她成为了一个思想纯真、憧憬美好事物、乐观健康向上、富有正义感、心地善良、活泼可爱的少女。游晓星是顾嘉星主保姆乔雅未婚先孕的女儿,乔雅和顾嘉星的母亲李欣雨是深交好朋友。在游晓星出生一个月后,走投无路的乔雅来到李欣雨面前求助。李欣雨同情怜惜自己的好朋友,不想让她们母女两在外受苦,便要求她和她的女儿留在顾家大庄园,顺便照顾自己刚出生的女儿顾嘉星。游晓星自幼体弱多病,寄人篱下的感觉让她心地善良、多愁善感、文静而明事理。游晓星比顾嘉星大一个月,但她们都出生在一个拥有美丽繁星的夜晚。出生在相同的夜晚,却是不同的命运归宿——一个是公主,一个是灰姑娘。因游晓星自幼体弱多病,顾嘉星的爷爷顾年要求将她和自己心爱的孙女小公主隔开,才允许乔雅母女留下,并签了合同。天真无邪的童年相遇相知,没有让那合同给阻止,顾嘉星的活泼亲昵给文静胆小懂事的游晓星带来了一份温馨关爱的友情。顾嘉星因是顾氏集团未来的继承人,倍受其爷爷顾年的保护,一直在家中授着不同的学习教育。她不懂世态炎凉,不懂人心复杂。顾年担心再让她生活在这样优越安逸的环境中,将来会毁了她一生,便狠心在她十四岁那年定出“三年自由约”,让她过上平凡普通的生活,让她在这平凡普通的生活中懂得书本上学不到的道理,懂得世间的冷暖,让她的思想逐渐成熟起来。(本故事的起因)令顾嘉星欣喜的是,她和游晓星之间微妙纯真的友谊感动了顾年,顾年没有追究游晓星违反合同的事情,反而答应顾嘉星,让她和游晓星一起去过上平凡普通的生活。
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