

"Why? Because, much as you hate him, you hate me still more?" She was silent.

"If you hate me, why do you sacrifice yourself for me?" he persisted."You torture me! And I tell you the hour is past.""Let it pass.I'll not accept your sacrifice.I will not lift a finger to help another man to marry you.""Oh, madman, madman!" she murmured.

Tony, with crossed arms, faced her squarely, and she leaned against the wall a few feet off from him.Her breast throbbed under its lace and falbalas, and her eyes swam with terror and entreaty.

"Polixena, I love you!" he cried.

A blush swept over her throat and bosom, bathing her in light to the verge of her troubled brows.

"I love you! I love you!" he repeated.

And now she was on his breast again, and all their youth was in their lips.But her embrace was as fleeting as a bird's poise and before he knew it he clasped empty air, and half the room was between them.

She was holding up a little coral charm and laughing."I took it from your fob," she said."It is of no value, is it? And I shall not get any of the money, you know."She continued to laugh strangely, and the rouge burned like fire in her ashen face.

"What are you talking of?" he said.

"They never give me anything but the clothes I wear.And I shall never see you again, Anthony!" She gave him a dreadful look."Oh, my poor boy, my poor love--'I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, POLIXENA!'"He thought she had turned light-headed, and advanced to her with soothing words; but she held him quietly at arm's length, and as he gazed he read the truth in her face.

He fell back from her, and a sob broke from him as he bowed his head on his hands.

"Only, for God's sake, have the money ready, or there may be foul play here," she said.

As she spoke there was a great tramping of steps outside and a burst of voices on the threshold.

"It is all a lie," she gasped out, "about my marriage, and the Marquess, and the Ambassador, and the Senator--but not, oh, not about your danger in this place--or about my love," she breathed to him.And as the key rattled in the door she laid her lips on his brow.

The key rattled, and the door swung open--but the black-cassocked gentleman who stepped in, though a priest indeed, was no votary of idolatrous rites, but that sound orthodox divine, the Reverend Ozias Mounce, looking very much perturbed at his surroundings, and very much on the alert for the Scarlet Woman.He was supported, to his evident relief, by the captain of the Hepzibah B., and the procession was closed by an escort of stern-looking fellows in cocked hats and small-swords, who led between them Tony's late friends the magnificoes, now as sorry a looking company as the law ever landed in her net.

The captain strode briskly into the room, uttering a grunt of satisfaction as he clapped eyes on Tony.

"So, Mr.Bracknell," said he, "you have been seeing the Carnival with this pack of mummers, have you? And this is where your pleasuring has landed you? H'm--a pretty establishment, and a pretty lady at the head of it." He glanced about the apartment and doffed his hat with mock ceremony to Polixena, who faced him like a princess.

"Why, my girl," said he, amicably, "I think I saw you this morning in the square, on the arm of the Pantaloon yonder; and as for that Captain Spavent--" and he pointed a derisive finger at the Marquess--"I've watched him drive his bully's trade under the arcade ever since I first dropped anchor in these waters.Well, well," he continued, his indignationsubsiding, "all's fair in Carnival, I suppose, but this gentleman here is under sailing orders, and I fear we must break up your little party."At this Tony saw Count Rialto step forward, looking very small and explanatory, and uncovering obsequiously to the captain.

"I can assure you, sir," said the Count in his best English, "that this incident is the result of an unfortunate misunderstanding, and if you will oblige us by dismissing these myrmidons, any of my friends here will be happy to offer satisfaction to Mr.Bracknell and his companions."Mr.Mounce shrank visibly at this, and the captain burst into a loud guffaw.

"Satisfaction?" says he."Why, my cock, that's very handsome of you, considering the rope's at your throats.But we'll not take advantage of your generosity, for I fear Mr.Bracknell has already trespassed on it too long.You pack of galley-slaves, you!" he spluttered suddenly, "decoying young innocents with that devil's bait of yours--" His eye fell on Polixena, and his voice softened unaccountably."Ah, well, we must all see the Carnival once, I suppose," he said."All's well that ends well, as the fellow says in the play; and now, if you please, Mr.Bracknell, if you'll take the reverend gentleman's arm there, we'll bid adieu to our hospitable entertainers, and right about face for the Hepzibah."

The End of A Venetian Night's Entertainment

  • 佛说缘起圣道经


  • 东南纪事


  • 璞山蒋公政训


  • 投元郎中


  • 佛说稻芋经


  • 快穿:撮合男女主CP


  • 重生之恶魔女王


  • 只有一个她


  • 龙迹的战斗


  • 明伦汇编家范典中表部


  • 快穿:男主什么的最讨厌啦


  • 罪女淑贤


  • 剪刀·石头·布


  • 青林啸白虎


  • 只愿三生为你痴狂

