God loves all His creatures, both evolutionary and non-evolutionary.His love is infinite in extent.We are all His children.Everything has been provided for us.It is only man's selfishness that deprives any creature of his just dues.Man suffers want on account of his lack of faith in God! Before man lost his faith in God he walked and communed withangels.He could do it now if he would but listen to the Voice Within--if he would only open his heart to Christ, for help is ready whenever one asks for it in sincerity and faith.
One of the sources of great injustice to the majority of the inhabitants of your Earth is the belief in the dogma of Divine Right.This dogma includes not only the absurdity of the Divine Right of kings, but the Divine Right to the ownership of goods and land through the Creator's favoritism for a few.
This dogma is the mother of untold misery and suffering.Out of this ungodly theory has evolved your shameful caste system; your shameful economic ideas.
Your ancient feudal system of government has been but little improved upon today over its primitive status, for you still draw well-defined lines of class distinction between God's children--lines of demarcation based on wealth and natal origin.With your inhabitants, communal standing and social distinction is proportionate to the wealth of the possessor or to the wealth or social standing of ancestors.
The monstrous heresy of Divine Right is an invention of the powers of darkness and must be eliminated from your world root and branch before your progress forward is assured.God plays no favorites.His love is showered upon all alike.His gifts are for all His children.It was never the Divine intent that a favored few should bask in the sunshine of His grace while the majority suffered want and deprivation.These false ideas have been the procurers of darkness: of the Stygian gloom now overshadowing your Earth.
Spiritual darkness has not always covered your Earth.In primitive times--ages ago--eras whose history has been lost to you, man on your Earth was in harmony with his Creator.This was in the Golden Age when man and the angels of God walked hand in hand; when man communed with God, and when the Christ spirit was abiding in the hearts of the people.In this age man was spiritually developed to a degree almost unbelievable by you.
Then the time came when man listened to the temptor (his baser self),and through the workings of the law of Atavism man degenerated almost to the level of his animal prototype.
This incident in your world's history is the source of the legend of the "Fall of Man" in the "Garden of Eden." Man disobeyed God by listening to self, by giving himself over to his selfish desires.He slew his brother, figuratively speaking, when he abandoned himself to selfish ends and took advantage of his fellowman.He has been guilty of that sin ever since.IT IS NOW INHERENT IN HIS MAKE-UP; THIS SELFISH INSTINCT MUST BE ELIMINATED BEFORE HE CAN AGAIN FIND THE FATHER'S KINGDOM.
No fences or other evidences of individual ownership surround the millions of homes on Mars.No lines of demarcation divide one plot of land from another.The millions of beautiful homes--beautiful in their simplicity, for over-ornamentation such as the dwellers of your Earth practise, is not tolerated on our planet--belong to the Commonwealth.The same are allotted to the individual as a life tenure only.
The same custom prevails in the matter of personal property. Should a Martian have use for a flying machine, also used by another, or other kind of property for personal use, he does not ask the use of same in the spirit that your Earth dwellers borrow from one another.Use of the needed article is requested with the idea that it belongs to the community: that all material possessions are the common property of the entire race.
In the absence of a universal unity of purpose intelligent life on Mars would have become extinct centuries ago, when the last remnants of its oceans and seas dried up and a planetary irrigation system became necessary in order to utilize the frozen Polar moisture.