

As they advanced I moved my boat farther and farther in beneath the overhanging wall, but at last it became evident that their craft was holding the same course.The five paddlers sent the larger boat ahead at a speed that taxed my energies to equal.

Every instant I expected to feel my prow crash against solid rock.

The light from the river was no longer visible, but ahead Isaw the faint tinge of a distant radiance, and still the water before me was open.

At last the truth dawned upon me--I was following a subterranean river which emptied into the Iss at the very point where I had hidden.

The rowers were now quite close to me.The noise of their own paddles drowned the sound of mine, but in another instant the growing light ahead would reveal me to them.

There was no time to be lost.Whatever action I was to take must be taken at once.Swinging the prow of my boat toward the right, I sought the river's rocky side, and there I lay while Matai Shang and Thurid approached up the center of the stream, which was much narrower than the Iss.

As they came nearer I heard the voices of Thurid and the Father of Therns raised in argument.

"I tell you, Thern," the black dator was saying, "that I wish only vengeance upon John Carter, Prince of Helium.I am leading you into no trap.What could I gain by betraying you to those who have ruined my nation and my house?""Let us stop here a moment that I may hear your plans,"replied the hekkador, "and then we may proceed with a better understanding of our duties and obligations."To the rowers he issued the command that brought their boat in toward the bank not a dozen paces beyond the spot where I lay.

Had they pulled in below me they must surely have seen me against the faint glow of light ahead, but from where they finally came to rest I was as secure from detection as though miles separated us.

The few words I had already overheard whetted my curiosity, and I was anxious to learn what manner of vengeance Thurid was planning against me.Nor had I long to wait.I listened intently.

"There are no obligations, Father of Therns," continued the First Born."Thurid, Dator of Issus, has no price.When the thing has been accomplished I shall be glad if you will see to it that Iam well received, as is befitting my ancient lineage and noble rank, at some court that is yet loyal to thy ancient faith, for Icannot return to the Valley Dor or elsewhere within the power of the Prince of Helium; but even that I do not demand--it shall be as your own desire in the matter directs.""It shall be as you wish, Dator," replied Matai Shang; "nor is that all--power and riches shall be yours if you restore my daughter, Phaidor, to me, and place within my power Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium.

"Ah," he continued with a malicious snarl, "but the Earth man shall suffer for the indignities he has put upon the holy of holies, nor shall any vileness be too vile to inflict upon his princess.Would that it were in my power to force him to witness the humiliation and degradation of the red woman.""You shall have your way with her before another day has passed, Matai Shang," said Thurid, "if you but say the word.""I have heard of the Temple of the Sun, Dator," replied Matai Shang, "but never have I heard that its prisoners could be released before the allotted year of their incarceration had elapsed.

How, then, may you accomplish the impossible?""Access may be had to any cell of the temple at any time,"replied Thurid."Only Issus knew this; nor was it ever Issus' way to divulge more of her secrets than were necessary.By chance, after her death, I came upon an ancient plan of the temple, and there I found, plainly writ, the most minute directions for reaching the cells at any time.

"And more I learned--that many men had gone thither for Issus in the past, always on errands of death and torture to the prisoners;but those who thus learned the secret way were wont to die mysteriously immediately they had returned and made their reports to cruel Issus.""Let us proceed, then," said Matai Shang at last."I must trust you, yet at the same time you must trust me, for we are six to your one.""I do not fear," replied Thurid, "nor need you.Our hatred of the common enemy is sufficient bond to insure our loyalty to each other, and after we have defiled the Princess of Helium there will be still greater reason for the maintenance of our allegiance--unless I greatly mistake the temper of her lord."Matai Shang spoke to the paddlers.The boat moved on up the tributary.

It was with difficulty that I restrained myself from rushing upon them and slaying the two vile plotters; but quickly I saw the mad rashness of such an act, which would cut down the only man who could lead the way to Dejah Thoris' prison before the long Martian year had swung its interminable circle.

If he should lead Matai Shang to that hollowed spot, then, too, should he lead John Carter, Prince of Helium.

With silent paddle I swung slowly into the wake of the larger craft.

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    她从前叫Annie,暴发户富豪老爹风流成性,同父异母的兄弟姐妹们争宠如夺嫡般惨烈。人生得意须尽欢,拿到家产先开个盛大的豪门趴,胜利者Annie一夜狂欢后,再醒来就变成了“安妮”。围观群众请求女主不要装逼:Annie和安妮不就是中英文没切换?一脸懵逼的女主:“……我想静静。”Annie,28岁,超级暴发户正宫之女,秉承“人生如戏全靠演技”的指导思想,成功在争夺家业的战斗中胜出,预计可分到的家产达XX亿,是狂蜂浪蝶们追逐的人生赢家!安妮,18岁,贫民窟美少女。人生经历可略。吃瓜群众很羡慕:年轻了十岁,还貌美!Annie:……年轻十岁有屁用,过十年我的几十亿能自动回来?姐不需要貌美,从前是我用钱包养小白脸,现在难道要靠脸被包养?!这操蛋的穿越!……“叮,恭喜女主成功觉醒天赋技能《人生如戏,全靠演技》,请完成终极任务:成为全民喜爱的女神。任务完成后,女主可以选择回到原本世界继续富豪人生。”等等,你憋走,你说清楚,什么是全民女神??还有,劳资会五国语言,学的是经济贸易,武能斗小三姨娘,文可撕争产的妖艳贱货,所有富家千金该懂的都懂,不该懂的也懂……天赋技能居然只是“演技”?!妈的智障,真要成为全民女神后,姐为啥要选择回去!……这是一个不圣母不纯洁的伪少女,被努力想出人头地的禁欲型经纪人男主捡回去签约,本打算养成个超级巨星,养着养着却和谐的爱情故事。女主从前是富二代,现在是穷N代,努力想重回巅峰做回人民币玩家。男主本来可以当二代,却努力想把自己变成富一代,让自己的老婆可以当人民币玩家。安妮:你居然有老婆?!沈大经纪人:老婆么么哒(づ ̄3 ̄)づPS:女主演技强,能力强,性格很彪,喜欢演戏,演戏赚钱后把钱花掉。男主颜值高,“能力”强,性格高冷,喜欢赚钱和宠老婆,赚到钱后把钱都给老婆花掉。《跳坑前须知:作者是一名外表清纯的污妖王,不要问我男主什么能力强,我还是个宝宝。》
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