

Years rolled by - the writer was a good deal about, sometimes in London, sometimes in the country, sometimes abroad; in London he occasionally met the man of the spectacles, who was always very civil to him, and, indeed, cultivated his acquaintance.The writer thought it rather odd that, after he himself had become acquainted with the Sclavonian languages and literature, the man of the spectacles talked little or nothing about them.In a little time, however, the matter ceased to cause him the slightest surprise, for he had discovered a key to the mystery.In the mean time the man of spectacles was busy enough; he speculated in commerce, failed, and paid his creditors twenty pennies in the pound;published translations, of which the public at length became heartily tired; having, indeed, got an inkling of the manner in which those translations were got up.He managed, however, to ride out many a storm, having one trusty sheet-anchor - Radicalism.This he turned to the best advantage -writing pamphlets and articles in reviews, all in the Radical interest, and for which he was paid out of the Radical fund;which articles and pamphlets, when Toryism seemed to reel on its last legs, exhibited a slight tendency to Whiggism.

Nevertheless, his abhorrence of desertion of principle was so great in the time of the Duke of Wellington's administration, that when S- left the Whigs and went over, he told the writer, who was about that time engaged with him in a literary undertaking, that the said S- was a fellow with a character so infamous, that any honest man would rather that you spit in his face than insult his ears with the mention of the name of S-.

The literary project having come to nothing, - in which, by the bye, the writer was to have all the labour, and his friend all the credit, provided any credit should accrue from it, - the writer did not see the latter for some years, during which time considerable political changes took place;the Tories were driven from, and the Whigs placed in, office, both events being brought about by the Radicals coalescing with the Whigs, over whom they possessed great influence for the services which they had rendered.When the writer next visited his friend, he found him very much altered; his opinions were by no means so exalted as they had been - he was not disposed even to be rancorous against the Duke of Wellington, saying that there were worse men than he, and giving him some credit as a general; a hankering after gentility seeming to pervade the whole family, father and sons, wife and daughters, all of whom talked about genteel diversions - gentility novels, and even seemed to look with favour on High Churchism, having in former years, to all appearance, been bigoted Dissenters.In a little time the writer went abroad; as, indeed, did his friend; not, however, like the writer, at his own expense, but at that of the country - the Whigs having given him a travelling appointment, which he held for some years, during which he received upwards of twelve thousand pounds of the money of the country, for services which will, perhaps, be found inscribed on certain tablets, when another Astolfo shall visit the moon.This appointment, however, he lost on the Tories resuming power - when the writer found him almost as Radical and patriotic as ever, just engaged in trying to get into Parliament, into which he got by the assistance of his Radical friends, who, in conjunction with the Whigs, were just getting up a crusade against the Tories, which they intended should be a conclusive one.

A little time after the publication of "The Bible in Spain,"the Tories being still in power, this individual, full of the most disinterested friendship for the author, was particularly anxious that he should be presented with an official situation, in a certain region a great many miles off."You are the only person for that appointment," said he; "you understand a great deal about the country, and are better acquainted with the two languages spoken there than any one in England.Now I love my country, and have, moreover, a great regard for you, and as I am in Parliament, and have frequent opportunities of speaking to the Ministry, I shall take care to tell them how desirable it would be to secure your services.It is true they are Tories, but Ithink that even Tories would give up their habitual love of jobbery in a case like yours, and for once show themselves disposed to be honest men and gentlemen; indeed, I have no doubt they will, for having so deservedly an infamous character, they would be glad to get themselves a little credit, by a presentation which could not possibly be traced to jobbery or favouritism."The writer begged his friend to give himself no trouble about the matter, as he was not desirous of the appointment, being in tolerably easy circumstances, and willing to take some rest after a life of labour.All, however, that he could say was of no use, his friend indignantly observing, that the matter ought to be taken entirely out of his hands, and the appointment thrust upon him for the credit of the country.

"But may not many people be far more worthy of the appointment than myself?" said the writer."Where?" said the friendly Radical."If you don't get it, it will be made a job of, given to the son of some steward, or, perhaps, to some quack who has done dirty work; I tell you what, I shall ask it for you, in spite of you; I shall, indeed!" and his eyes flashed with friendly and patriotic fervour through the large pair of spectacles which he wore.

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