

After receiving a thousand messages for Collins, both affectionate and jocular--one from Mr.Pescod being on no account to forget to tell her to try anti-fat--they said good-bye to these kind folk and marched into Faringdon the next morning, very sorry it was the last, but determined to make a brave show.Through watery Lechdale they went, over the Isis (as the Thames is called here), and past Buscot.

It was just after leaving Buscot that Gregory, who had been ahead alone, suddenly rushed back in a wild state of excitement.

"What do you think I've seen?" he panted."A giant! A real live giant!""Don't be an ass!" said Jack "But I have," he protested--"I have.He's there in that wood, kneeling by the stream, washing his face.I watched him walk to it.He's enormous! He's as tall as this caravan nearly.Do come and peep at him."They all very readily accompanied Gregory into the wood, and there, sure enough, was a giant, combing his hair.

He heard them coming, and looked round.They stopped, open-eyed and openmouthed.

"Here, I say," the giant said at last, "this won't do.You mustn't look at me like that--free.It's a penny each, you know."He had a broad Yorkshire accent and a kind face.

"Where do you come from?" he asked.

"We come from London," said Janet."We are on a caravan journey.""A caravan journey," said the giant."So am I.I always am, in fact.""Are you?" said Gregory."How splendid!"

"Splendid!" said the giant."Do you think so? I'd give a good deal to sleep in a bed in a house.Excuse me if I sit down," he added."My legs aren't very strong."He sat down, but even then he was taller than any of the children.

"Where is your caravan?" Janet asked.

"Just over there," the giant said."They're waiting for me.I came here to make my toilet.Where are you going?""We're going to Faringdon," said Robert.

"That's where we've come from," said the giant."There's been a fair there.

We're going to Cirencester."

"What a shame!" said Horace."That means we've missed you.""But you're seeing me now," said the giant, adding again, with his Yorkshire laugh, "free.""I know," said Jack,."but that's not the same as at a fair.The naphtha lamps, you know."The giant shuddered."I like to be away from them," he said.

"Who else is there with you?" asked Gregory.

"The King," said the giant.

"The King!" they all exclaimed.

"Yes, King Pip.He's a dwarf.We travel together, but we show separately.Apenny each."

"Might we see him if we paid a penny?" Janet asked.

"I shouldn't if I were you," said the giant.

"Why not?" said Gregory."Isn't he nice?""No," said the giant very firmly."He's not; he's nasty.""I'm so sorry," said Janet.

"So am I," said the giant.

"I've always liked giants best," said Mary.

"But why don't you leave him?" said Jack.

"I can't," said the giant."We don't belong to ourselves.We belong to Mr.

Kite.Mr.Kite is the showman."

"And did you sell yourself to him like a slave?" Hester asked.

The giant laughed."Very much like a slave," he said."You see, there's nothing else to do when you're big like me and have no money.I'm too weak to work, and it's ridiculous, too.No one ought to be so big.So I must do what I can.""What's the matter with King Pip?" Robert asked.

"He's selfish and bad-tempered," said the giant."He thinks it's a fine thing to be so small.""And you think it a fine thing to be so big, don't you?" said Robert.

The giant opened his blue eyes."I! Not me.I'd give everything I ever possessed to be five feet seven instead of seven feet five.It's never done me any good.""But it's rather grand to be as big as that," Robert suggested.

"Grand! You may have the grandeur.It's worse than being a criminal.Ican't walk out unless it's pitch dark or very early morning, because if Idid the people would see me free--as you are doing--I have to live in a narrow stuffy carriage.I'm ill, too.Giants are always ill."Janet was full of sympathy."We're so sorry," she said."And here's our money--it isn't fair to be seeing you free." And she held out sixpence.

"Oh, no," said the giant."I didn't mean that.I like to see you and talk.

  • 我们不说话这样站着就很美好


  • 超级特工在都市


  • 幻世仙皇


  • 帝神劫之血帝


  • 青葱三年


  • 花开亦二度


  • 武神第一


  • 桃园仙劫之妖僧纪


    我是一枚来自桃花园的小和尚,师父金元宝不要我啦,赶我下山独自流浪,忍饥挨饿。二师兄圆圆不靠谱,为了自己的性福,差点把我这个小师弟卖给了醉红楼。大师兄空空一直杳无音信,据说是自身难保了,更不可能来拯救我于无限堕落之中。三师兄静静和四师兄小小白连二师兄都没有见过,我亦无处得寻。想着想着,小和尚又坐不住了……“阿弥陀佛,罪过呀,实在是罪过!师父,弟子又破戒了……”PS:各位施主,Σ( ̄д ̄;)您今天破了么?求收下滑稽吧,我们一起去捉小萝莉,降服御姐女王大人(打滚卖萌求收藏呀(??д?)bb)
  • 人类危机之温室效应(青少年身边的环保丛书)


  • 重生之王妃追夫三十六计

