

"Yes, indeed, if you want to," answered Phebe, wringing out her cloth in a capable sort of way that impressed Rose very much.

"It must be fun to swash the water round and dig out the soap. I'd love to do it, only aunt wouldn't like it, I suppose," said Rose, quite taken with the new employment.

"You'd soon get tired, so you'd better keep tidy and look on."

"I suppose you help your mother a good deal?"

"I haven't got any folks."

"Why, where do you live, then?"

"I'm going to live here, I hope. Debby wants some one to help round, and I've come to try for a week."

"I hope you will stay, for it is very dull," said Rose, who had taken a sudden fancy to this girl, who sung like a bird and worked like a woman.

"Hope I shall; for I'm fifteen now, and old enough to earn my own living. You have come to stay a spell, haven't you?" asked Phebe, looking up at her guest and wondering how life could be dull to a girl who wore a silk frock, a daintily frilled apron, a pretty locket, and had her hair tied up with a velvet snood.

"Yes, I shall stay till my uncle comes. He is my guardian now, and I don't know what he will do with me. Have you a guardian?"

"My sakes, no! I was left on the poor-house steps a little mite of a baby, and Miss Rogers took a liking to me, so I've been there ever since. But she is dead now, and I take care of myself."

"How interesting! It is like Arabella Montgomery in the 'Gypsy's Child.' Did you ever read that sweet story?" asked Rose, who was fond of tales of found-lings, and had read many.

"I don't have any books to read, and all the spare time I get I run off into the woods; that rests me better than stories," answered Phebe, as she finished one job and began on another.

Rose watched her as she got out a great pan of beans to look over, and wondered how it would seem to have life all work and no play.

Presently Phebe seemed to think it was her turn to ask questions, and said, wistfully "You've had lots of schooling, I suppose?"

"Oh, dear me, yes! I've been at boarding school nearly a year, and I'm almost dead with lessons. The more I got, the more Miss Power gave me, and I was so miserable that I 'most cried my eyes out. Papa never gave me hard things to do, and he always taught me so pleasantly I loved to study. Oh, we were so happy and so fond of one another! But now he is gone, and I am left all alone."

The tear that would not come when Rose sat waiting for it came now of its own accord two of them in fact and rolled down her cheeks, telling the tale of love and sorrow better than any words could do it.

For a minute there was no sound in the kitchen but the little daughter's sobbing and the sympathetic patter of the rain. Phebe stopped rattling her beans from one pan to another, and her eyes were full of pity as they rested on the curly head bent down on Rose's knee, for she saw that the heart under the pretty locket ached with its loss, and the dainty apron was used to dry sadder tears than any she had ever shed.

Somehow, she felt more contented with her brown calico gown and blue-checked pinafore; envy changed to compassion; and if she had dared she would have gone and hugged her afflicted guest.

  • 末世之我是变异区


  • 八荒战武


  • 女总裁的至尊保镖


  • 生个猴子给我吧媳妇


  • 变形悟空


  • 刘备日记


  • 那个天使,不要再笑了


  • 运势大师


  • 奔跑的鹿:激发工作热情的职场寓言


    《奔跑的鹿:激发工作热情的职场寓言》主要内容:有一只来自远方的鹿,他风尘仆仆奔跑而来,跑过森林、跑过乡村、跑过都市,他向遇到的每一个人讲述自己的传奇经历,并且兴致勃勃地告诉人们一个永恒的真理,当你真正找到奔跑的乐趣时,你的激情将如火山一样喷发! 如果说,职场是一片广阔的原野,那么你我就像那只鹿一样,每天都在不停地奔跑。直到有一天,你厌倦了,或者感到疲倦不堪,你可曾在河边停下脚步,静静地想一想,我为什么而奔跑? 你不应把工作视作一种无可避免的苦役。否则,即使你从事的是自己最喜欢的工作,你依然无法持久地保持对工作的热情。
  • 夜兔的幻想乡

