

"Sae Shylock got to be no sae saucy. 'Pay the boend thrice,' says he, 'and let the puir deevil go.'--'Here it's,' says Bassanio.--Na! the young judge wadna let him.--'He has refused it in open coort; no a bawbee for Shylock but just the forfeiture; an' he daur na tak it.'--'I'm awa',' says he. 'The deivil tak ye a'.'--Na! he wasna to win clear sae; ance they'd gotten the Jew on the hep, they worried him, like good Christians, that's a fact. The judge fand a law that fitted him, for conspiring against the life of a citizen; an' he behooved to give up hoose an' lands, and be a Christian; yon was a soor drap--he tarned no weel, puir auld villain, an' scairtit; an' the lawyers sent ane o' their weary parchments till his hoose, and the puir auld heathen signed awa' his siller, an' Abraham, an' Isaac, an' Jacob, on the heed o' 't. I pity him, an auld, auld man; and his dochter had rin off wi' a Christian lad--they ca' her Jessica, and didn't she steal his very diamond ring that his ain lass gied him when he was young, an' maybe no sae hard-hairted?"

_Jean Carnie._ "Oh, the jaud! suppose he was a Jew, it was na her business to clean him oot."

_A young Fishwife._ "Aweel, it was only a Jew body, that's my comfort."

_Christie._ "Ye speak as a Jew was na a man; has not a Jew eyes, if ye please?"

_Lizzy Johnstone._ "Ay, has he!--and the awfuest lang neb atween 'em."

_Christie._ "Has not a Jew affections, paassions, organs?"

_Jean._ "Na! Christie; thir lads comes fr' Italy!"

_Christie._ "If you prick him, does he not bleed? if you tickle him, does na he lauch?"

_A young Fishwife (pertly)._ "I never kittlet a Jew, for my pairt--sae I'll no can tell ye."

_Christie._ "If you poison him, does he not die? and if you wrang him"

(with fury) "shall he not revenge?"

_Lizzie Johnstone._ "Oh! but ye're a fearsome lass."

_Christie._ "Wha'll give me a sang for my bonny yarn?"

Lord Ipsden, who had been an unobserved auditor of the latter part of the tale, here inquired whether she had brought her book.

"What'n buik?"

"Your music-book!"

"Here's my music-book," said Jean, roughly tapping her head.

"And here's mines," said Christie, birdly, touching her bosom.

"Richard," said she, thoughtfully, "I wish ye may no hae been getting in voolgar company. Div ye think we hae minds like rinning water?"

_Flucker (avec malice)._ "And tongues like the mill-clack abune it?

Because if ye think sae, captain--ye're no far wrang!"

_Christie._ "Na! we hae na muckle gowd maybe; but our minds are gowden vessels."

_Jean._ "Aha! lad."

_Christie._ "They are not saxpenny sieves, to let music an' meter through, and leave us none the wiser or better. Dinna gang in low voolgar company, or you a lost laddy."

_Ipsden._ "Vulgar, again! everybody has a different sense for that word, I think. What is vulgar?"

_Christie._ "Voolgar folk sit on an chair, ane, twa, whiles three hours, eatin' an' abune drinkin', as still as hoegs, or gruntin' puir every-day clashes, goessip, rubbich; when ye are aside them, ye might as weel be aside a cuddy; they canna gie ye a sang, they canna gie ye a story, they canna think ye a thoucht, to save their useless lives; that's voolgar folk."

She sings. "A caaller herrin'!"

_Jean._ "A caaller herrin'!"


"Come buy my bonny caaller herrin', Six a penny caaller from the sea," etc.

The music chimed in, and the moment the song was done, without pause, or anything to separate or chill the succession of the arts, the fiddles diverged with a gallant plunge into "The Dusty Miller." The dancers found their feet by an instinct as rapid, and a rattling reel shook the floor like thunder. Jean Carnie assumed the privilege of a bride, and seized his lordship; Christie, who had a mind to dance with him too, took Flucker captive, and these four were one reel! There were seven others.

The principle of reel dancing is articulation; the foot strikes the ground for every _accented_ note (and, by the by, it is their weakness of accent which makes all English reel and hornpipe players such failures).

And in the best steps of all, which it has in common with the hornpipe, such as the quick "heel and toe," "the sailor's fling," and the "double shuffle," the foot strikes the ground for every _single_ note of the instrument.

All good dancing is beautiful.

But this articulate dancing, compared with the loose, lawless diffluence of motion that goes by that name, gives me (I must confess it) as much more pleasure as articulate singing is superior to tunes played on the voice by a young lady:

Or the clean playing of my mother to the piano-forte splashing of my daughter; though the latter does attack the instrument as a washerwoman her soapsuds, and the former works like a lady.

Or skating to sliding:

Or English verse to dactyls in English:

Or painting to daubing:

Or preserved strawberries to strawberry jam.

What says Goldsmith of the two styles? "They swam, sprawled, frisked, and languished; but Olivia's foot was as pat to the music as its echo."--_Vicar of Wakefield._

Newhaven dancing aims also at fun; laughter mingles with agility; grotesque yet graceful gestures are flung in, and little inspiring cries flung out.

His lordship soon entered into the spirit of it. Deep in the mystery of the hornpipe, he danced one or two steps Jean and Christie had never seen, but their eyes were instantly on his feet, and they caught in a minute and executed these same steps.

To see Christie Johnstone do the double-shuffle with her arms so saucily akimbo, and her quick elastic foot at an angle of forty-five, was a treat.

The dance became inspiriting, inspiring, intoxicating; and, when the fiddles at last left off, the feet went on another seven bars by the enthusiastic impulse.

And so, alternately spinning yarns, singing songs, dancing, and making fun, and mingling something of heart and brain in all, these benighted creatures made themselves happy instead of peevish, and with a day of stout, vigorous, healthy pleasure, refreshed, indemnified, and warmed themselves for many a day of toil.

Such were the two picnics of Inch Coombe, and these rival cliques, agreeing in nothing else, would have agreed in this: each, if allowed (but we won't allow either) to judge the other, would have pronounced the same verdict:

_"Ils ne savent pas vivre ces gens-l'a."_

  • 繁星似锦


  • 默默温情


  • 倾城郡主


  • 福妻驾到


  • 非人类客栈


  • 我的推理男主:槐园


  • 王俊凯之能不能让我忘记你


  • 逍遥游天下


  • 晨光彼岸


  • 气武魂

