"And then, Mr. Mannering, there was the story about the road, and the fauld-dike--I ken Sir Thomas was behind there, and I said plainly to the clerk to the trustees that I saw the cloven foot, let them take that as they like.--Would any gentleman, or set of gentlemen, go and drive a road right through the corner of a fauld-dike, and take away, as my agent observed to them, like twa roods of gude moorland pasture?--And there was the story about choosing the collector of the cess--""Certainly, sir, it is hard you should meet with any neglect in a country, where, to judge from the extent of their residence, your ancestors must have made a very important figure.""Very true, Mr. Mannering--I am a plain man, and do not dwell on these things; and I must needs say, I have little memory for them;but I wish ye could have heard my father's stories about the auld fights of the Mac-Dingawaies--that's the Bertrams that now is--wi' the Irish, and wi' the Highlanders, that came here in their berlings from Islay and Cantire--and how they went to the Holy Land-that is, to Jerusalem and Jericho, wi' a' their clan at their heels--they had better have gaen to Jamaica, like Sir Thomas Kittlecourt's uncle--and how they brought hame relics, like those that Catholics have, and a flag that's up yonder in the garret--if they had been casks of Muscavado, and puncheons of rum, it would have been better for the estate at this day--but there's little comparison between the auld keep at Kittlecourt and the castle o'
Ellangowan--I doubt if the keep's forty feet of front--But ye make no breakfast, Mr. Mannering; ye're no eating your meat; allow me to recommend some of the kipper--It was John Hay that catcht it, Saturday was three weeks, down at the stream below Hempseed ford,"etc., etc., etc.
The Laird, whose indignation had for some time kept him pretty steady to one topic, now launched forth into his usual roving style of conversation, which gave Mannering ample time to reflect upon the disadvantages attending the situation, which, an hour before, he had thought worthy of so much envy. Here was a country gentleman, whose most estimable quality seemed his perfect good nature, secretly fretting himself and murmuring against others, for causes which, compared with any real evil in life, must weigh like dust in the balance. But such is the equal distribution of Providence. To those who lie out of the road of great afflictions, are assigned petty vexations, which answer all the purpose of disturbing their serenity; and every reader must have observed, that neither natural apathy nor acquired philosophy can render country gentlemen insensible to the grievances which occur at elections, quarter-sessions, and meetings of trustees.
Curious to investigate the manners of the country Mannering took the advantage of a pause in good Mr. Bertram's string of stories, to inquire what Captain Hatteraick so earnestly wanted with the gipsy woman.
"Oh, to bless his ship, I suppose. You must know, Mr. Mannering, that these free-traders, whom the law calls smugglers, having no religion, make it all up in superstition; and they have as many spells, and charms, and nonsense--""Vanity and waur!" said the Dominie--"it is a trafficking with the Evil One. Spells, periapts, and charms, are of his device--choice arrows out of Apollyon's quiver.""Hold your peace, Dominie--ye're speaking for ever" (by the way they were the first words the poor man had uttered that morning, excepting that he had said grace, and returned thanks)--"Mr.
Mannering cannot get in a word for ye!--and so, Mr. Mannering, talking of astronomy, and spells, and these matters, have ye been so kind as to consider what we were speaking about last night?""I begin to think, Mr. Bertram, with your worthy friend here, that I have been rather jesting with edge-tools; and although neither you nor I, nor any sensible man, can put faith in the predictions of astrology, yet as it has sometimes happened that inquiries into futurity, undertaken in jest, have in their results produced serious and unpleasant effects both upon actions and characters, Ireally wish you would dispense with my replying to your question."It was easy to see that this evasive answer only rendered the Laird's curiosity more uncontrollable. Mannering however, was determined in his own mind, not to expose the infant to the inconveniences which might have arisen from his being supposed the object of evil prediction. He therefore delivered the paper into Mr. Bertram's hand, and requested him to keep it for five years with the seal unbroken, until the month of November was expired.
After that date had intervened, he left him at liberty to examine the writing, trusting that the first fatal period being then safely overpassed, no credit would be paid to its further contents. This Mr. Bertram was content to promise, and Mannering, to ensure his fidelity, hinted at misfortunes which would certainly take place if his injunctions were neglected. The rest of the day, which Mannering, by Mr. Bertram's invitation, spent at Ellangowan, passed over without anything remarkable; and on the morning of that which followed, the traveller mounted his palfrey, bade a courteous adieu to his hospitable landlord, and to his clerical attendant, repeated his good wishes for the prosperity of the family, and then, turning his horse's head towards England, disappeared from the sight of the inmates of Ellangowan. He must also disappear from that of our readers, for it is to another and later period of his life that the present narrative relates.
--Next, the justice, In fair round belly, with good capon lined, With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws, and modern instances: And so he plays his part.
--As You Like It.