

I have seen him twice when he saw na me; I ken when he was in this country first, and I ken what's brought him back again. Up, an' to the gate! ye're ower lang here-follow me."Sampson followed the sibyl accordingly, who guided him about a quarter of a mile through the woods, by a shorter cut than he could have found for himself; they then entered upon the common, Meg still marching before him at a great pace, until she gained the top of a small hillock which overhung the road.

"Here," she said, "stand still here. Look how the setting sun breaks through yon cloud that's been darkening the lift a' day. See where the first stream o' light fa's--it's upon Donagild's round tower--the auldest tower in the Castle o' Ellangowan--that's no for naething!--See as it's glooming to seaward abune yon sloop in the bay--that's no for naething neither.--Here I stood on this very spot," said she, drawing herself up so as not to lose one hair-breadth of her uncommon height, and stretching out her long sinewy arm and clenched hand, "Here I stood, when I tauld the last Laird o' Ellangowan what was coming on his house--and did that fa'

to the ground?--na--it bit even ower sair!--And here, where I brake the wand of peace ower him--here I stand again--to bid God bless and prosper the just heir of Ellangowan that will sune be brought to his ain; and the best laird he shall be that Ellangowan has seen for three hundred years.--I'll no live to see it, maybe; but there will be mony a blithe ee see it though mine be closed. And now, Abel Sampson, as ever ye lo'ed the house of Ellangowan, away wi' my message, to the English Colonel, as if life and death were upon your haste!"So saying, she turned suddenly from the amazed Dominie, and regained with swift and long strides the shelter of the wood from which she had issued, at the point where it most encroached upon the common. Sampson gazed after her for a moment in utter astonishment, and then obeyed her directions,--hurrying to Woodbourne at a pace very unusual for him, exclaiming three times, "Prodigious! prodigious! prodi-gi-ous! "CHAPTER XLVII.

--It is not madness That I have utter'd; bring me to the test, And I the matter will re-word; which madness Would gambol from.

HamletAs Mr. Sampson crossed the hall with a bewildered look, Mrs.

Allan, the good housekeeper, who, with the reverent attention which is usually rendered to the clergy in Scotland, was on the watch for his return, sallied forth to meet him--" What's this o't now, Mr.

Sampson, this is waur than ever!--Ye'll really do yourself some injury wi' these lang fasts--naething's sae hurtful to the stamach, Mr. Sampson;--if ye would but put some peppermint draps in your pocket, or let Barnes cut ye a sandwich.""Avoid thee!" quoth the Dominie, his mind running still upon his interview with Meg Merrilies, and making for the dining-parlour.

"Na, ye needna gang in there, the cloth's been removed an hour syne, and the Colonel's at his wine; but just step into my room, Ihave a nice steak that the cook will do in a moment.""Exorciso te!" said Sampson,--"that is, I have dined.""Dined! it's impossible--wha can ye hae dined wi', you that gangs out nae gate?""With Beelzebub, I believe," said the minister.

"Na, then he's bewitched for certain," said the housekeeper, letting go her hold; "he's bewitched, or he's daft, and ony way the Colonel maun just guide him his ain gate--Wae's me! Hech, sirs!

It's a sair thing to see learning bring folk to this!" And with this compassionate ejaculation, she retreated into her own premises.

The object of her commiseration had by this time entered the dining-parlour, where his appearance gave great surprise. He was mud up to the' shoulders, and the natural paleness of his hue was twice as cadaverous as usual, through terror, fatigue, and perturbation of mind. "What on earth is the meaning of this, Mr.

Sampson?" said Mannering, who observed Miss Bertram looking much alarmed for her simple but attached friend.

"Exorciso,"--said the Dominie.

"How, sir?" replied the astonished Colonel.

"I crave pardon, honourable sir! but my wits--""Are gone a wool-gathering, I think--pray, Mr. Sampson, collect yourself, and let me know the meaning of all this."Sampson was about to reply, but finding his Latin formula of exorcism still came most readily to his tongue, he prudently desisted from the attempt, and put the scrap of paper which he had received from the gipsy into Mannering's hand, who broke the seal and read it with surprise. "This seems to be some jest," he said, "and a very dull one.""It came from no jesting person," said Mr. Sampson.

"From whom then did it come?" demanded Mannering.

The Dominie, who often displayed some delicacy of recollection in cases where Miss Bertram had an interest, remembered the painful circumstances connected with Meg Merrilies, looked at the young ladies, and remained silent. "We will join you at the tea-table in an instant, Julia," said the Colonel; "I see that Mr. Sampson wishes to speak to me alone.--And now they are gone, what, in heaven's name, Mr. Sampson, is the meaning of all this?""It may be a message from Heaven," said the Dominie, "but it came by Beelzebub's postmistress. It was that witch, Meg Merrilies, who should have been burned with a tar-barrel twenty years since, for a harlot, thief, witch, and gipsy.""Are you sure it was she?" said the Colonel with great interest.

"Sure, honoured sir?--Of a truth she is one not to be forgotten--the like o' Meg Merrilies is not to be seen in any land."The Colonel paced the room rapidly, cogitating with himself. "To send out to apprehend her--but it is too distant to send to Mac-Morlan, and Sir Robert Hazlewood is a pompous coxcomb; besides the chance of not finding her upon the spot, or that the humour of silence that seized her, before may again return;--no, I will not, to save being thought a fool, neglect the course she points out.

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