

`I had a ridiculous fancy that he must be with you, Mr Pip, till I saw that you were quite unconscious of him, sitting behind you there, like a ghost.'

My former chill crept over me again, but I was resolved not to speak yet, for it was quite consistent with his words that he might be set on to induce me to connect these references with Provis. Of course, I was perfectly sure and safe that Provis had not been there.

`I dare say you wonder at me, Mr Pip; indeed I see you do. But it is so very strange! You'll hardly believe what I am going to tell you. I could hardly believe it myself, if you told me.'

`Indeed?' said I.

`No, indeed. Mr Pip, you remember in old times a certain Christmas Day, when you were quite a child, and I dined at Gargery's, and some soldiers came to the door to get a pair of handcuffs mended?'

`I remember it very well.'

`And you remember that there was a chase after two convicts, and that we joined in it, and that Gargery took you on his back, and that I took the lead and you kept up with me as well as you could?'

`I remember it all very well.' Better than he thought - except the last clause.

`And you remember that we came up with the two in a ditch, and that there was a scuffle between them, and that one of them had been severely handled and much mauled about the face, by the other?'

`I see it all before me.'

`And that the soldiers lighted torches, and put the two in the centre, and that we went on to see the last of them, over the black marshes, with the torchlight shining on their faces - I am particular about that; with the torchlight shining on their faces, when there was an outer ring of dark night all about us?'

`Yes,' said I. `I remember all that.'

`Then, Mr Pip, one of those two prisoners sat behind you tonight. Isaw him over your shoulder.'

`Steady!' I thought. I asked him then, `Which of the two do you suppose you saw?'

`The one who had been mauled,' he answered readily, `and I'll swear I saw him! The more I think of him, the more certain I am of him.'

`This is very curious!' said I, with the best assumption I could put on, of its being nothing more to me. `Very curious indeed!'

I cannot exaggerate the enhanced disquiet into which this conversation threw me, or the special and peculiar terror I felt at Compeyson's having been behind me `like a ghost.' For, if he had ever been out of my thoughts for a few moments together since the hiding had begun, it was in those very moments when he was closest to me; and to think that I should be so unconscious and off my guard after all my care, was as if I had shut an avenue of a hundred doors to keep him out, and then had found him at my elbow. I could not doubt either that he was there, because I was there, and that however slight an appearance of danger there might be about us, danger was always near and active.

I put such questions to Mr Wopsle as, When did the man come in? He could not tell me that; he saw me, and over my shoulder he saw the man. It was not until he had seen him for some time that he began to identify him;but he had from the first vaguely associated him with me, and known him as somehow belonging to me in the old village time. How was he dressed?

Prosperously, but not noticeably otherwise; he thought, in black. Was his face at all disfigured? No, he believed not. I believed not, too, for, although in my brooding state I had taken no especial notice of the people behind me, I thought it likely that a face at all disfigured would have attracted my attention.

When Mr Wopsle had imparted to me all that he could recall or I extract, and when I had treated him to a little appropriate refreshment after the fatigues of the evening, we parted. It was between twelve and one o'clock when I reached the Temple, and the gates were shut. No one was near me when I went in and went home.

Herbert had come in, and we held a very serious council by the fire.

But there was nothing to be done, saving to communicate to Wemmick what I had that night found out, and to remind him that we waited for his hint.

As I thought that I might compromise him if I went too often to the Castle, I made this communication by letter. I wrote it before I went to bed, and went out and posted it; and again no one was near me. Herbert and I agreed that we could do nothing else but be very cautious. And we were very cautious indeed - more cautious than before, if that were possible - and I for my part never went near Chinks's Basin, except when I rowed by, and then Ionly looked at Mill Pond Bank as I looked at anything else.

  • 文始经言外旨


  • 舍利忏法


  • The Mistletoe Bough

    The Mistletoe Bough

  • 鬼谷四友志


  • 业成就论


  • 一婚二宠:高冷老公不好惹


  • 娇俏萝莉,撩男神!


  • 小学生最喜欢看的好词好句好段大全


  • 那年春天我们正好


  • 诡事笑谈


  • 武极皇途


  • 商周行


  • 战神联盟之希望反语


  • 变成兔子的咖啡师


  • 上古圣主

