

"I wonder," said Blix, as the two skirted the Plaza, going down to Kearney Street; "I wonder if I ought to ask him to supper?""Ask who--me?--how funny to--"

"I wonder if we are talked out--if it would spoil the day?""Anyhow, I'm going to have supper at the Club; and I've got to write my article some time to-night."Blix fixed him with a swift glance of genuine concern. "Don't play to-night, Condy," she said, with a sudden gravity.

"Fat lot I can play! What money have I got to play with?""You might get some somewheres. But, anyhow, promise me you won't play.""Well, of course I'll promise. How can I, if I haven't any money?

And besides, I've got my whaleback stuff to write. I'll have supper at the Club, and go up in the library and grind out copy for a while.""Condy," said Blix, "I think that diver's story is almost too good for 'The Times.' Why don't you write it and send it East? Send it to the Centennial Company, why don't you? They've paid some attention to you now, and it would keep your name in their minds if you sent the story to them, even if they didn't publish it.

Why don't you think of that?"

"Fine--great idea! I'll do that. Only I'll have to write it out of business hours. It will be extra work.""Never mind, you do it; and," she added, as he put her on the cable car, "keep your mind on that thirty-thousand-word story of adventure. Good-by, Condy; haven't we had the jolliest day that ever was?""Couldn't have been better. Good-by, Blix."

Condy returned to his club., It was about six o'clock. In response to his question, the hall-boy told him that Tracy Sargeant had arrived a few moments previous, and had been asking for him.

The Saturday of the week before, Condy had made an engagement with young Sargeant to have supper together that night, and perhaps go to the theatre afterward. And now at the sight of Sargeant in the "round window" of the main room, buried in the file of the "Gil Blas," Condy was pleased to note that neither of them had forgotten the matter.

Sargeant greeted him with extreme cordiality as he came up, and at once proposed a drink. Sargeant was a sleek, well-groomed, well-looking fellow of thirty, just beginning to show the effects of a certain amount of dissipation in the little puffs under the eyes and the faint blueness of the temples. The sudden death of his father for which event Sargeant was still mourning, had left him in such position that his monthly income was about five times as large as Condy's salary. The two had supper together, and Sargeant proposed the theatre.

"No, no; I've got to work to-night," asserted Condy.

After dinner, while they were smoking their cigars in a window of the main room, one of the hall-boys came up and touched Condy on the arm.

  • 只麈谭


  • 那时青春,不懂爱


  • 仙海迷途


  • 千年未了缘


  • 校园护花狂医


  • 武墓神宗


  • 唐吉可德很不高兴


  • 女帝升级计


  • 锁魂木


  • 做人与处世(漫漫求知路)

