


Slowly the winter drew nigh, and spread over all like a shroud leisurely drawn. Gray days followed one another, but Yann appeared no more, and the two women lived on in their loneliness. With the cold, their daily existence became harder and more expensive.

Old Yvonne was difficult to tend, too; her poor mind was going. She got into fits of temper now, and spoke wicked, insulting speeches once or twice every week; it took her so, like a child, about mere nothings.

Poor old granny! She was still so sweet in her lucid days, that Gaud did not cease to respect and cherish her. To have always been so good and to end by being bad, and show towards the close a depth of malice and spitefulness that had slumbered during her whole life, to use a whole vocabulary of coarse words that she had hidden; what mockery of the soul! what a derisive mystery! She began to sing, too, which was still more painful to hear than her angry words, for she mixed everything up together--the /oremus/ of a mass with refrains of loose songs heard in the harbour from wandering sailors. Sometimes she sang "/Les Fillettes de Paimpol/" (The Lasses of Paimpol), or, nodding her head and beating time with her foot, she would mutter:

"Mon mari vient de partir;

Pour la peche d'Islande, mon mari vient de partir, Il m'a laissee sans le sou, Mais--trala, trala la lou, J'en gagne, j'en gagne."(My husband went off sailing Upon the Iceland cruise, But never left me money, Not e'en a couple sous.

But--ri too loo! ri tooral loo!

I know what to do!)

She always stopped short, while her eyes opened wide with a lifeless expression, like those dying flames that suddenly flash out before fading away. She hung her head and remained speechless for a great length of time, her lower jaw dropping as in the dead.

One day she could remember nothing of her grandson. "Sylvestre?

Sylvestre?" repeated she, wondering whom Gaud meant; "oh! my dear, d'ye see, I've so many of them, that now I can't remember their names!"So saying she threw up her poor wrinkled hands, with a careless, almost contemptuous toss. But the next day she remembered him quite well; mentioning several things he had said or done, and that whole day long she wept.

Oh! those long winter evenings when there was not enough wood for their fire; to work in the bitter cold for one's daily bread, sewing hard to finish the clothes brought over from Paimpol.

Granny Yvonne, sitting by the hearth, remained quiet enough, her feet stuck in among the smouldering embers, and her hands clasped beneath her apron. But at the beginning of the evening, Gaud always had to talk to her to cheer her a little.

"Why don't ye speak to me, my good girl? In my time I've known many girls who had plenty to say for themselves. I don't think it 'ud seem so lonesome, if ye'd only talk a bit."So Gaud would tell her chit-chat she had heard in town, or spoke of the people she had met on her way home, talking of things that were quite indifferent to her, as indeed all things were now; and stopping in the midst of her stories when she saw the poor old woman was falling asleep.

  • 武极仙圣


  • 破障


  • 专宠花蝴蝶(享受恋爱之四)


  • 崔斯特的卡片


  • 仇林的末世和异界


  • 守护甜心之绝恋散落


  • 疯狂的丧尸


  • 王俊凯花开半夏还是你


  • 冰火十二族


  • 兽武无敌

